Author Topic: InForm Frame-within-Frame Does Not Collectively Move (I Think?)  (Read 7830 times)

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Offline Qwerkey

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I am wanting to construct an InForm window which has a Frame within which there are two other frames (see attachment).  Things were going along satisfactorily - the two new frames had Left and Top parameters wrt the containing frame - until I dragged the containing frame to a new position in the InForm design window.

The buttons in the containing frame moved with the frame, but the two frames stayed in their original positions and now will no longer register to be in the containing frame: they will not move with it and their Left and Top parameters are now wrt the Design window.  This is a bit of a pity as I want the whole containing frame to move during the running program (the Options frame is usually hidden outside the working window but pops up if the cursor is close).

Is this coder incompetence or a slight flaw (my money's on the former)?
* Frames-within-Frame.jpg (Filesize: 17.98 KB, Dimensions: 161x461, Views: 510)


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Re: InForm Frame-within-Frame Does Not Collectively Move (I Think?)
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2019, 05:55:23 am »
Hi, Richard.

After we had this conversation I went ahead and made sure no frame would enter another, as that could cause all sort of issues. Are you on the latest version of InForm? Either way, how did you create the frames?

« Last Edit: June 18, 2019, 08:30:46 am by FellippeHeitor »

Offline Qwerkey

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Re: InForm Frame-within-Frame Does Not Collectively Move (I Think?)
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2019, 07:44:26 am »
Hi, Richard.

After we had this conversation I went ahead and made sure no frame would enter another

Ah Fellippe, you are dealing with a customer who has no memory-retentive properties.  How requirements change and contradict previous ideas!  I assume that I'm using the latest (beta version 8).  I suppose that this latest thing will work as long as I move at run time the top frames in the same way as the container frame.  I'll carry on along these lines.

By the way, I suppose that you know that the latest IDE gives a load of warnings when InForm is used (they're only warnings, of course).


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Re: InForm Frame-within-Frame Does Not Collectively Move (I Think?)
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2019, 08:31:27 am »
By the way, I suppose that you know that the latest IDE gives a load of warnings when InForm is used (they're only warnings, of course).

I'm aware, thanks :-).

Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: InForm Frame-within-Frame Does Not Collectively Move (I Think?)
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2019, 09:17:18 am »
By the way, I suppose that you know that the latest IDE gives a load of warnings when InForm is used (they're only warnings, of course)

IMHO there are many items on developing path :-)  give time!

After we had this conversation I went ahead and made sure no frame would enter another
Gasp! I have loose this news! Now my example of dragging an item is bugged! In that time I have used a Frame into another Frame... or so I remember now!

Surely the choice of Fellippe to exclude the childing of containers gives more strongness to the structure of the program avoiding so many accidental bugs!
But the structure showed by Qwerkey is fashinating...
doing it handly it is hard to manage in Design time...
Fellippe, what do you think of a property at design time to lock/group different items, like in other RADs or also in Design/Presentation software like PowerPoint? So if user must change/ adjust the aspect of the interface it will be easier!

Thanks to read

Good Coding
Programming isn't difficult, only it's  consuming time and coffee


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Re: InForm Frame-within-Frame Does Not Collectively Move (I Think?)
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2019, 09:43:11 am »
Fellippe, what do you think of a property at design time to lock/group different items, like in other RADs or also in Design/Presentation software like PowerPoint? So if user must change/ adjust the aspect of the interface it will be easier!

Suggestion noted :-)

Offline Qwerkey

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Re: InForm Frame-within-Frame Does Not Collectively Move (I Think?)
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2019, 09:59:10 am »
Fellippe and Tempo, the Duck-Shoot program is coming along.  I've got it into InForm, and the pop-up sidebar (as discussed in this thread) is working.  The restriction on Frame-within-Frame meant that I had to improvise a 'moving container frame' by use of a _PUTIMAGE.  See the video.  Once the Start button has been pressed, the sidebar moves out when the cursor is moved away, and pops back when the cursor moves into the required area.  It would work perfectly if Frame-within-Frame were allowed.  Who was the idiot who requested that mod to InForm?
* popup sidebar.mp4 (Filesize: 7.35 MB, Downloads: 334)

Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: InForm Frame-within-Frame Does Not Collectively Move (I Think?)
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2019, 07:31:03 pm »
for now to get the emulation of a frame into a frame you must create a sub that link the positions of the components statically using the right Zorder to capture click of mouse.
for example...

Frame Option Zorder = 4, Frame Audio Zorder = 3, Frame GameLevel Zorder =2 , Frame Buttons Zorder = 1
Frame Audio.X = Frame Option.x +10, Frame GameLevel.x = Frame Option.x, etc etc
Frame Audio.Y = frame Option +10, Frame GameLevel.y = Frame Option.y+400 etc etc
---> so moving Frame Option you get to move also other elements of this panel control !   ;)
so you must do with property like Visible, Disabled...
for each movement of Option frame you must call this sub of rearrange of elements of this panel control!

Good Coding

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Programming isn't difficult, only it's  consuming time and coffee