I used to write my code using Professional Basic (QBX) 7.1
It was a nice program since you could test and debug your code within the compiler without having to make a .exe file first.
I have been using QB64 to convert some of my programs so they would work in Windows 10 and love that it is available. Without QB64, I'd have to run everything in my Virtual XP window.
I installed your latest version 1.2 and found that it doesn't like the DIR$ command that is a valid function within QBX. It looks like _DIR$ is in QB64 but it doesn't work the same as DIR$.
For example, if I want to see a list of text files, I can do the following in QBX
DIM dskfile$(200)
filespec$ = "*.txt"
a$ = _DIR$(filespec$)
IF LEN(a$) = 0 THEN GOTO nofilesexist
dskfile = 1
dskfile$(dskfile) = a$
b$ = DIR$
IF LEN(b$) = 0 THEN GOTO filelistdone
dskfile = dskfile + 1
dskfile$(dskfile) = b$
GOTO filelistdone
FOR n = 1 TO dskfile
PRINT dskfile$(n)
PRINT dskfile; "files exist"
Using this method I can store into my array all the files that are named .txt
Is there any simple way for me to do the same in QB64?