They are pretty close, I had to go to 10,000,000 to start seeing any difference.
DefDbl A-Z
Dim i As _Integer64
Const limit = 10000000
Dim test(1 To limit, 0 To 4) 'set up a test set of numbers
For i = 1 To limit
test(i, 0) = Rnd * 10 ^ Rnd * 100 ' first number to mult or divide
r = Rnd * 10 ^ Rnd * 100
test(i, 1) = r 'test number 2 to divide
test(i, 2) = 1 / r 'test number 3 to mult
t1 = Timer(.001)
For i = 1 To limit ' do divisions
test(i, 3) = test(i, 0) / test(i, 1)
divideTime = Timer(.001) - t1
Print "Divide time"; divideTime
t1 = Timer(.01) 'reset
For i = 1 To limit ' do divisions
test(i, 4) = test(i, 0) * test(i, 2)
multTime = Timer(.001) - t1
Print "Mult time"; multTime
' check that numbers are same for both division and mult
For i = 1 To limit
If Abs((test(i, 3) - test(i, 4)) / test(i, 3)) > .01 Then Print i, test(i, 3), test(i, 4)