Author Topic: User Customized Input  (Read 3234 times)

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Offline SMcNeill

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User Customized Input
« on: November 29, 2020, 12:37:58 pm »
We see a lot of people post little games around here.  We also see a lot of other people post things like "Can you change it so that I can use XXX key for (whatever), rather than what you have set?"

Here's the very simplest set of code I can think of to allow someone to set custom controls for a game:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. PRINT "Press the key you want to move UP   :";
  2. Up = SetKey: PRINT Up
  3. PRINT "Press the key you want to move LEFT :";
  4. Left = SetKey: PRINT Left
  5. PRINT "Press the key you want to move DOWN :";
  6. Down = SetKey: PRINT Down
  7. PRINT "Press the key you want to move RIGHT:";
  8. Right = SetKey: PRINT Right
  10. HeroX = 20: HeroY = 20
  11.     CLS
  12.     LOCATE HeroY, HeroX: PRINT CHR$(1);
  13.     K = _KEYHIT
  14.     SELECT CASE K
  15.         CASE Up: HeroY = HeroY - 1 - (HeroY <= 1)
  16.         CASE Left: HeroX = HeroX - 1 - (HeroX <= 1)
  17.         CASE Down: HeroY = HeroY + 1 + (HeroY >= 25)
  18.         CASE Right: HeroX = HeroX + 1 + (HeroX >= 80)
  19.     END SELECT
  20.     _LIMIT 30
  21.     _DISPLAY
  24. FUNCTION SetKey
  25.     STATIC KeysInUse(1 TO 100) AS LONG
  26.     DO
  27.         SetKey = _KEYHIT
  28.         FOR i = 1 TO 100
  29.             IF KeysInUse(i) = SetKey THEN SetKey = 0 'Can't define the same key twice.
  30.             IF KeysInUse(i) = 0 THEN EXIT FOR
  31.         NEXT
  32.         IF i < 101 THEN KeysInUse(i) = SetKey
  33.         _LIMIT 30
  34.     LOOP UNTIL SetKey > 0

It really can be that simple of a process.  :) — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline STxAxTIC

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Re: User Customized Input
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2020, 01:11:52 pm »
I like this. Some games, namely Portal 2 and Rage to name a few, ask you to "look up" right off the bat, so whatever your natural reflex is, that's "up" for now on, and so on. This is right in that spirit.
You're not done when it works, you're done when it's right.

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: User Customized Input
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2020, 05:21:32 pm »
And here's a version which looks more like what my game has going for it:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. TYPE Control_Type
  2.     Label AS STRING
  3.     Value AS LONG
  4.     JoyStick AS LONG
  5. DIM SHARED Control(10) AS Control_Type
  6. Control(0).Label = "UP": Control(0).Value = 18432: Control(0).JoyStick = 1210000
  7. Control(1).Label = "DOWN": Control(1).Value = 20480: Control(1).JoyStick = 1220000
  8. Control(2).Label = "LEFT": Control(2).Value = 19200: Control(2).JoyStick = 1120000
  9. Control(3).Label = "RIGHT": Control(3).Value = 19712: Control(3).JoyStick = 1110000
  10. Control(4).Label = "SELECT": Control(4).Value = 8: Control(4).JoyStick = 1000000
  11. Control(5).Label = "TAB": Control(5).Value = 9: Control(5).JoyStick = 1000001
  12. Control(6).Label = "ENTER": Control(6).Value = 13: Control(6).JoyStick = 1000002
  13. Control(7).Label = "CANCEL": Control(7).Value = 27: Control(7).JoyStick = 1000003
  15. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32) 'An initial screen for testing
  16. Settings
  18. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32) 'And a second screen, so we can see that we scale to fit any environment properly
  19. Settings
  25. SUB Settings
  27.     DIM ScaleX AS _FLOAT, ScaleY AS _FLOAT, cx AS _FLOAT
  28.     DIM BackUp(10) AS Control_Type
  29.     FOR i = 0 TO 10: BackUp(i) = Control(i): NEXT
  31.     Dev = _DEVICES
  32.     LB = _LASTBUTTON(3): LA = _LASTAXIS(3)
  35.     f = _LOADFONT("courbd.ttf", 48, "monospace")
  36.     BGC = SkyBlue 'Background color
  37.     BT = _LOADIMAGE("marble.jpg", 32) ' Button Tile
  38.     D = _DEST
  39.     PCOPY D, 1
  41.     tempimage = _NEWIMAGE(1280, 720, 32)
  42.     ScaleX = 1280 / _WIDTH(D): ScaleY = 720 / _HEIGHT(D)
  43.     Button = BoxImage(300, 50, 5, BT, Ivory)
  44.     Frame = BoxImage(300, 50, 5, 0, Red)
  46.     _DEST tempimage
  47.     COLOR Black, 0
  48.     CLS , BGC
  49.     _FONT f
  50.     CenterLabel 200, 10, 300, 50, "Keyboard"
  51.     CenterLabel 600, 10, 300, 50, "JoyStick"
  52.     FOR i = 0 TO 10
  53.         _PRINTSTRING (190 - _PRINTWIDTH(Control(i).Label), 60 * i + 71), Control(i).Label
  54.         _PUTIMAGE (200, 60 * i + 70), Button
  55.         CenterLabel 200, 60 * i + 71, 300, 50, GetKeyName(Control(i).Value)
  56.         _PUTIMAGE (600, 60 * i + 70), Button
  57.         CenterLabel 600, 60 * i + 71, 300, 50, GetKeyName(Control(i).JoyStick)
  58.     NEXT
  60.     Accept = BoxImage(200, 200, 5, Green, Ivory)
  61.     Cancel = BoxImage(200, 200, 5, Red, Ivory)
  62.     _PUTIMAGE (1000, 100), Accept, tempimage
  63.     _PUTIMAGE (1000, 400), Cancel, tempimage
  64.     CenterLabel 1000, 100, 200, 200, "OK"
  65.     CenterLabel 1000, 400, 200, 200, "Cancel"
  67.     replace = -1: j = -1: OM = -1
  68.     DO
  69.         _PUTIMAGE , tempimage, D
  70.         k = _KEYHIT
  71.         WHILE _DEVICEINPUT(3): WEND
  73.         MB = _MOUSEBUTTON(1)
  74.         IF MB AND NOT OM THEN
  75.             MX = _MOUSEX * ScaleX: MY = _MOUSEY * ScaleY
  76.             IF MX >= 1000 AND MX <= 1200 THEN
  77.                 SELECT CASE MY
  78.                     CASE 100 TO 300 'Accept
  79.                         EXIT DO
  80.                     CASE 400 TO 600 'Cancel
  81.                         FOR i = 0 TO 10: Control(i) = BackUp(i): NEXT
  82.                         EXIT DO
  83.                 END SELECT
  84.             END IF
  85.         END IF
  86.         OM = MB
  89.         IF k = 0 THEN
  90.             FOR i = 1 TO LB
  91.                 IF _BUTTON(i) THEN k = 999999 + i: EXIT FOR
  92.             NEXT
  93.             IF k = 0 THEN
  94.                 FOR i = 1 TO LA
  95.                     IF ABS(_AXIS(i)) > 0.25 THEN
  96.                         k = 1000000 + i * 100000
  97.                         IF _AXIS(i) > 0 THEN k = k + 10000 ELSE k = k + 20000
  98.                     END IF
  99.                 NEXT
  100.             END IF
  101.         END IF
  103.         IF k > 0 AND k < 1000000 THEN
  104.             IF replace = -1 THEN
  105.                 FOR i = 0 TO 10
  106.                     IF Control(i).Value = k THEN
  107.                         replace = i
  108.                         _PUTIMAGE (200, 60 * i + 70), Button, tempimage
  109.                         _PUTIMAGE (200, 60 * i + 70), Frame, tempimage
  110.                         EXIT FOR
  111.                     END IF
  112.                 NEXT
  113.             ELSE
  114.                 FOR i = 0 TO 10
  115.                     IF Control(i).Value = k THEN EXIT FOR
  116.                 NEXT
  117.                 IF i > 10 THEN
  118.                     Control(replace).Value = k
  119.                     _PUTIMAGE (200, 60 * replace + 70), Button, tempimage
  120.                     CenterLabel 200, 60 * replace + 71, 300, 50, GetKeyName(k)
  121.                     replace = -1
  122.                 END IF
  123.             END IF
  124.         ELSEIF k > 999999 THEN
  125.             IF j = -1 THEN
  126.                 FOR i = 0 TO 10
  127.                     IF Control(i).JoyStick = k THEN
  128.                         j = i
  129.                         _PUTIMAGE (600, 60 * i + 70), Button, tempimage
  130.                         _PUTIMAGE (600, 60 * i + 70), Frame, tempimage
  131.                         EXIT FOR
  132.                     END IF
  133.                 NEXT
  134.             ELSEIF j >= 0 AND j <= 10 THEN
  135.                 FOR i = 0 TO 10
  136.                     IF Control(i).JoyStick = k THEN EXIT FOR
  137.                 NEXT
  138.                 IF i > 10 THEN
  139.                     Control(j).JoyStick = k
  140.                     _PUTIMAGE (600, 60 * j + 70), Button, tempimage
  141.                     CenterLabel 600, 60 * j + 71, 300, 50, GetKeyName(k)
  142.                     j = -1
  143.                     _DELAY .25
  144.                 END IF
  145.             END IF
  146.         END IF
  147.         _LIMIT 30
  148.         _DISPLAY
  149.     LOOP
  150.     PCOPY 1, D
  151.     _DEST D
  152.     _FREEIMAGE tempimage
  153.     _FREEIMAGE Accept
  154.     _FREEIMAGE Cancel
  155.     _FREEIMAGE Button
  156.     _FREEIMAGE Frame
  158. FUNCTION BoxImage (wide&, tall&, thick&, BGcolor&&, FrameColor&&)
  159.     D = _DEST
  160.     BoxImage = _NEWIMAGE(wide&, tall&, 32)
  161.     _DEST BoxImage
  162.     IF BGcolor&& = -1 THEN BGcolor&& = 0
  163.     IF BGcolor&& < 0 THEN
  164.         _PUTIMAGE , BGcolor&&
  165.     ELSE
  166.         CLS , BGcolor&&
  167.     END IF
  168.     FOR i& = 0 TO thick& - 1
  169.         LINE (i&, i&)-STEP(wide& - i& * 2, tall& - i& * 2), FrameColor&&, B
  170.     NEXT
  171.     _DEST D
  173. SUB CenterLabel (left&, top&, wide&, tall&, text$)
  174.     pw = _PRINTWIDTH(text$): fw = _FONTHEIGHT
  175.     bx = (wide& - pw) \ 2: by = (tall& - fw) \ 2
  176.     _PRINTSTRING (left& + bx, top& + by), text$
  179. FUNCTION GetKeyName$ (code)
  180.     SELECT CASE code
  181.         CASE 8: GetKeyName$ = "BKSP"
  182.         CASE 9: GetKeyName$ = "TAB"
  183.         CASE 13: GetKeyName$ = "ENTER"
  184.         CASE 27: GetKeyName$ = "ESC"
  185.         CASE 32: GetKeyName$ = "SPACE"
  186.         CASE 33 TO 255: GetKeyName$ = CHR$(code)
  187.         CASE 15104: GetKeyName$ = "F1"
  188.         CASE 15360: GetKeyName$ = "F2"
  189.         CASE 15616: GetKeyName$ = "F3"
  190.         CASE 15872: GetKeyName$ = "F4"
  191.         CASE 16128: GetKeyName$ = "F5"
  192.         CASE 16384: GetKeyName$ = "F6"
  193.         CASE 16640: GetKeyName$ = "F7"
  194.         CASE 16896: GetKeyName$ = "F8"
  195.         CASE 17152: GetKeyName$ = "F9"
  196.         CASE 17408: GetKeyName$ = "F10"
  197.         CASE 34048: GetKeyName$ = "F11"
  198.         CASE 34304: GetKeyName$ = "F12"
  199.         CASE 18432: GetKeyName$ = ""
  200.         CASE 19200: GetKeyName$ = ""
  201.         CASE 19712: GetKeyName$ = ""
  202.         CASE 20480: GetKeyName$ = ""
  204.         CASE 18176: GetKeyName$ = "HOME"
  205.         CASE 18688: GetKeyName$ = "PG UP"
  206.         CASE 20224: GetKeyName$ = "END"
  207.         CASE 20736: GetKeyName$ = "PG DOWN"
  208.         CASE 20992: GetKeyName$ = "INS"
  209.         CASE 21248: GetKeyName$ = "DEL"
  211.         CASE 100019: GetKeyName$ = "PAUSE"
  212.         CASE 100300: GetKeyName$ = "NUM LOCK"
  213.         CASE 100301: GetKeyName$ = "CAPS LOCK"
  214.         CASE 100302: GetKeyName$ = "SCROLL LOCK"
  215.         CASE 100303: GetKeyName$ = "R SHIFT"
  216.         CASE 100304: GetKeyName$ = "L SHIFT"
  217.         CASE 100305: GetKeyName$ = "R CTRL"
  218.         CASE 100306: GetKeyName$ = "L CTRL"
  219.         CASE 100307: GetKeyName$ = "R ALT"
  220.         CASE 100308: GetKeyName$ = "L ALT"
  221.         CASE 100309: GetKeyName$ = "L APPLE"
  222.         CASE 100310: GetKeyName$ = "R APPLE"
  223.         CASE 100311: GetKeyName$ = "R WIN"
  224.         CASE 100312: GetKeyName$ = "L WIN"
  225.         CASE 100316: GetKeyName$ = "SYSTEM"
  226.         CASE 100319: GetKeyName$ = "MENU"
  227.         CASE 1000000 TO 1000100
  228.             GetKeyName$ = "JB #" + _TRIM$(STR$(code - 999999))
  229.         CASE 1110000: GetKeyName$ = "AX 1+"
  230.         CASE 1120000: GetKeyName$ = "AX 1-"
  231.         CASE 1210000: GetKeyName$ = "AX 2+"
  232.         CASE 1220000: GetKeyName$ = "AX 2-"
  233.         CASE 1310000: GetKeyName$ = "AX 3+"
  234.         CASE 1320000: GetKeyName$ = "AX 3-"
  235.         CASE 1410000: GetKeyName$ = "AX 4+"
  236.         CASE 1420000: GetKeyName$ = "AX 4-"
  237.         CASE 1510000: GetKeyName$ = "AX 5+"
  238.         CASE 1520000: GetKeyName$ = "AX 5-"
  239.         CASE 1610000: GetKeyName$ = "AX 6+"
  240.         CASE 1620000: GetKeyName$ = "AX 6-"
  241.         CASE 1710000: GetKeyName$ = "AX 7+"
  242.         CASE 1720000: GetKeyName$ = "AX 7-"
  244.     END SELECT

* marble.jpg (Filesize: 4.86 KB, Dimensions: 204x204, Views: 246) — A github collection of all things Steve!