'Lights On
'A game by Fellippe Heitor - [member=2]FellippeHeitor[/member] - fellippe@qb64.org
'Original concept by Avi Olti, Gyora Benedek, Zvi Herman, Revital Bloomberg, Avi Weiner and Michael Ganor
'Assets sources acknowledged inside SUB GameSetup
'from p5js.bas - sound system
'Give time for the last set of bulbs to light up
'Show intro
IF isLoaded
(1)) AND isLoaded
(1)) THEN
Alpha = 0
p5play Piano
'offer tutorial on the first run
m$ = "Show instructions?"
LINE (Button
+ 5, Button
+ 5)-STEP(Button
, Button
), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), BF
LINE (Button
, Button
, Button
), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), BF
LINE (Button
, Button
, Button
), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 170), BF
+ Button
/ 2 - _PRINTWIDTH(Caption
)) / 2, Button
+ Button
/ 2 - FontHeight
/ 2), Caption
TutorialMode = true
TutorialMode = false
tHeight = FontHeight * 3
'Light bulb images from https://blog.1000bulbs.com/home/flip-the-switch-how-an-incandescent-light-bulb-works
'End level bg from http://blog-sap.com/analytics/2013/06/14/sap-lumira-new-software-update-general-availability-of-cloud-version-and-emeauk-flash-sale-at-bi2013/
'Ding sound: https://www.freesound.org/people/Flo_Rayen/sounds/191835/
'Bonus sound: http://freesound.org/people/LittleRobotSoundFactory/sounds/274183/
'Piano sound: https://www.freesound.org/people/FoolBoyMedia/sounds/352655/
'Switch sound: https://www.freesound.org/people/Mindloop/sounds/253659/
'App icon: http://www.iconarchive.com/show/small-n-flat-icons-by-paomedia/light-bulb-icon.html
'Restart icon: http://www.iconarchive.com/show/windows-8-icons-by-icons8/Computer-Hardware-Restart-icon.html
'Mouse cursor icon: http://www.iconarchive.com/show/windows-8-icons-by-icons8/Very-Basic-Cursor-icon.html
'Load assets:
'Arial = _LOADFONT("arial.ttf", 24)
LightOn(1) = loadImage("assets/lighton.png")
LightOn(2) = loadImage("assets/lighton300.png")
LightOn(3) = loadImage("assets/lighton120.png")
LightOn(4) = loadImage("assets/lighton86.png")
LightOn(5) = loadImage("assets/lighton67.png")
LightOn(6) = loadImage("assets/lighton60.png")
LightOn(7) = loadImage("assets/lighton55.png")
LightOn(8) = loadImage("assets/lighton35.png")
LightOn(9) = loadImage("assets/lighton30.png")
LightOff(1) = loadImage("assets/lightoff.png")
LightOff(2) = loadImage("assets/lightoff300.png")
LightOff(3) = loadImage("assets/lightoff120.png")
LightOff(4) = loadImage("assets/lightoff86.png")
LightOff(5) = loadImage("assets/lightoff67.png")
LightOff(6) = loadImage("assets/lightoff60.png")
LightOff(7) = loadImage("assets/lightoff55.png")
LightOff(8) = loadImage("assets/lightoff35.png")
LightOff(9) = loadImage("assets/lightoff30.png")
Bg = loadImage("assets/bg.jpg")
RestartIcon = loadImage("assets/restart.png")
MouseCursor = loadImage("assets/mouse.png")
Ding = loadSound("assets/ding.wav")
Piano = loadSound("assets/piano.ogg")
Switch = loadSound("assets/switch.wav")
Bonus = loadSound("assets/bonus.wav")
'Screen setup:
'Set buttons:
b = b + 1: Caption(b) = "Try again"
= _HEIGHT / 2 + FontHeight
* 11.5 Button
= _WIDTH / 2 - 10 - Button
Button(b).h = 40
b = b + 1: Caption(b) = "Next level"
= _HEIGHT / 2 + FontHeight
* 11.5 Button(b).h = 40
b = b + 1: Caption(b) = "Restart level"
= _WIDTH(RestartIcon
) + 20 Button(b).h = FontHeight * 2
= _WIDTH - Button
- 10 Button
= _HEIGHT - FontHeight
- Button
/ 2 Button(b).h = FontHeight * 2
= _WIDTH - 10 - Button
= _HEIGHT - Button
b = b + 1: Caption(b) = "Yes"
= _HEIGHT / 2 - FontHeight
/ 2 Button
= _WIDTH / 2 - 10 - Button
Button(b).h = 40
b = b + 1: Caption(b) = "No"
= _HEIGHT / 2 - FontHeight
/ 2 Button(b).h = 40
IF tempHandle&
= -1 THEN 'load failed tempHandle& = 0
loadImage& = tempHandle&
isLoaded%% = imgHandle& < -1
maxGridW = 1
maxGridH = 2
MinMoves = 2
lightID = 2
maxGridW = 2
maxGridH = 2
MinMoves = 1
lightID = 2
maxGridW = 4
maxGridH = 5
MinMoves = 11
lightID = 3
maxGridW = 5
maxGridH = 7
MinMoves = 65
lightID = 4
maxGridW = 10
maxGridH = 10
MinMoves = 65
lightID = 6
maxGridW = 7
maxGridH = 9
MinMoves = 90
lightID = 5
maxGridW = 7
maxGridH = 11
MinMoves = 130
lightID = 7
maxGridW = 9
maxGridH = 11
MinMoves = 90
lightID = 7
maxGridW = 11
maxGridH = 17
MinMoves = 180
lightID = 8
maxGridW = 20
maxGridH = 20
MinMoves = 230
lightID = 9
= _WIDTH(Arena
) / maxGridW
lights(i, j).x = i * maxW - maxW
lights(i, j).y = j * maxH - maxH
lights(i, j).w = maxW - 1
lights(i, j).h = maxH - 1
lights(i, j).i = i
lights(i, j).j = j
lights(i, j).IsOn = false
FOR rndState
= 1 TO maxGridW
/ 3 SetState lights(i, j)
moves = 0
DIM FinalLamp1!
, FinalLamp2!
, FinalLamp3!
Snd1 = false: Snd2 = false: Snd3 = false
FinalBonus = false
Alpha = 0
TryAgain = false
EndAnimationStep = 1
SkipEndAnimation = false
BgXSpeed = .5
BgYSpeed = .3
p5play Piano
= "Level" + STR$(Level
) + " - All Lights On!"
= "Moves used:" + STR$(moves
= "Score:" + STR$(Score
BgXOffset = BgXOffset + BgXSpeed
BgYOffset = BgYOffset + BgYSpeed
IF Alpha
< 255 THEN Alpha
= Alpha
+ 10 ELSE EndAnimationStep
= 2: SlideOpen
= 0: SlideVelocity
= 30: Alpha
= 0 SlideVelocity = SlideVelocity - .2
IF SlideVelocity
< 1 THEN SlideVelocity
= 1 SlideOpen = SlideOpen + SlideVelocity
SlideOpen = 600
EndAnimationStep = 3
= _WIDTH / 2 - (SlideOpen
/ 3.5) j
= _HEIGHT / 2 - SlideOpen
/ 5 + FontHeight
* 1.5
b = map(SlideOpen, 0, 600, 255, 0)
LINE (0, _HEIGHT / 2 - 120 + FontHeight
* 1.5)-STEP(SlideOpen
, 120), _RGB32(b
* 1.5, b
* 1.5 - 50, 0), BF
EndAnimationStep = EndAnimationStep + 1
+ SlideOpen
/ 5, j
), LightOff
(3) _PUTIMAGE (i
+ (SlideOpen
/ 5) * 2, j
), LightOff
IF MinMoves
<= MinMoves
* 3 THEN IF Snd1
= false
THEN p5play Ding: Snd1
= true
IF EndAnimationStep
= 4 THEN FinalLamp1!
= TIMER: Score
= Score
+ 20
IF EndAnimationStep
<= 20 THEN Score = Score + 10
_SETALPHA constrain
(TIMER - FinalLamp1!
, 0, .3, 0, 255), 0, 255), , LightOn
(3) LINE (i
, j
/ 5, SlideOpen
/ 5), _RGB32(111, 227, 39), BF
IF Snd2
= false
THEN p5play Ding: Snd2
= true
IF EndAnimationStep
= 21 THEN FinalLamp2!
= TIMER: Score
= Score
+ 20
IF EndAnimationStep
<= 40 THEN Score = Score + 10
_SETALPHA constrain
(TIMER - FinalLamp2!
, 0, .3, 0, 255), 0, 255), , LightOn
(3) LINE (i
+ SlideOpen
/ 5, j
/ 5, SlideOpen
/ 5), _RGB32(111, 227, 39), BF
+ SlideOpen
/ 5, j
/ 5, SlideOpen
/ 5), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), B
IF Snd3
= false
THEN p5play Ding: Snd3
= true
IF EndAnimationStep
= 41 THEN FinalLamp3!
= TIMER: Score
= Score
+ 20
IF EndAnimationStep
<= 60 THEN Score = Score + 10
_SETALPHA constrain
(TIMER - FinalLamp3!
, 0, .3, 0, 255), 0, 255), , LightOn
(3) _PUTIMAGE (i
+ (SlideOpen
/ 5) * 2, j
), LightOn
(3) LINE (i
+ (SlideOpen
/ 5) * 2, j
/ 5, SlideOpen
/ 5), _RGB32(111, 227, 39), BF
+ (SlideOpen
/ 5) * 2, j
/ 5, SlideOpen
/ 5), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), B
FinalBonus = true
Score = Score + 50
p5play Bonus
m$ = "Strategy master! +50 bonus points!"
LINE (Button
+ 5, Button
+ 5)-STEP(Button
, Button
), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), BF
LINE (Button
, Button
, Button
), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), BF
LINE (Button
, Button
, Button
), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 20), BF
'COLOR _RGB32(255, 255, 255), 0
'_PRINTSTRING (Button(ii).x + Button(ii).w / 2 - _PRINTWIDTH(Caption(ii)) / 2 + 1, Button(ii).y + Button(ii).h / 2 - FontHeight / 2 + 1), Caption(ii)
+ Button
/ 2 - _PRINTWIDTH(Caption
)) / 2, Button
+ Button
/ 2 - FontHeight
/ 2), Caption
TryAgain = true
SkipEndAnimation = true
imgHeight = lights(1, 1).h
imgWidth = imgHeight
IF isLoaded
)) THEN _PUTIMAGE (lights
, j
+ lights
, j
/ 2 - imgWidth
/ 2, lights
, j
), LightOff
) IF isLoaded
)) THEN _SETALPHA constrain
(TIMER - lights
, j
, 0, .3, 0, 255), 0, 255), , LightOn
) _PUTIMAGE (lights
, j
+ lights
, j
/ 2 - imgWidth
/ 2, lights
, j
), LightOn
) LINE (lights
, j
, lights
, j
, j
, lights
, j
), _RGB32(111, 227, 39), BF
IF Hovering
, j
)) AND FoundHover
= false
AND TutorialMode
= false
THEN FoundHover = true
LINE (lights
, j
, lights
, j
, j
, lights
, j
), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 100), BF
CheckState lights(i, j)
LINE (lights
, j
, lights
, j
, j
, lights
, j
), , B
= TIMER - start!
= 86400 - start: start!
LINE (Button
, Button
- 1, Button
- 1), _RGB32(127, 127, 127), BF
TryAgain = true: SetLevel
+ Button
/ 2 - _WIDTH(RestartIcon
) / 2, Button
+ Button
/ 2 - _HEIGHT(RestartIcon
) / 2), RestartIcon
+ Button
/ 2 - _PRINTWIDTH(Caption
(3)) / 2, Button
+ Button
/ 2 - FontHeight
/ 2), Caption
Victory%% = true
SUB CheckState
AS obj
p5play Switch
moves = moves + 1
SetState object
SUB SetState
AS obj
) ioff = -1
joff = 0
IF object.i
+ ioff
> 0 AND object.i
+ ioff
< maxGridW
+ 1 AND object.j
+ joff
> 0 AND object.j
+ joff
< maxGridH
+ 1 THEN lights
+ ioff
, object.j
+ joff
= NOT lights
+ ioff
, object.j
+ joff
+ ioff
, object.j
+ joff
ioff = 1
joff = 0
IF object.i
+ ioff
> 0 AND object.i
+ ioff
< maxGridW
+ 1 AND object.j
+ joff
> 0 AND object.j
+ joff
< maxGridH
+ 1 THEN lights
+ ioff
, object.j
+ joff
= NOT lights
+ ioff
, object.j
+ joff
+ ioff
, object.j
+ joff
ioff = 0
joff = -1
IF object.i
+ ioff
> 0 AND object.i
+ ioff
< maxGridW
+ 1 AND object.j
+ joff
> 0 AND object.j
+ joff
< maxGridH
+ 1 THEN lights
+ ioff
, object.j
+ joff
= NOT lights
+ ioff
, object.j
+ joff
+ ioff
, object.j
+ joff
ioff = 0
joff = 1
IF object.i
+ ioff
> 0 AND object.i
+ ioff
< maxGridW
+ 1 AND object.j
+ joff
> 0 AND object.j
+ joff
< maxGridH
+ 1 THEN lights
+ ioff
, object.j
+ joff
= NOT lights
+ ioff
, object.j
+ joff
+ ioff
, object.j
+ joff
stepX = (dx - sx) / maxSteps
stepY = (dy - sy) / maxSteps
sx = sx + stepX
sy = sy + stepY
Level = 2
TotalSteps = 5
StatusText "Tutorial Mode - Click to proceed"
StepNumber = StepNumber + 1
"(" + LTRIM$(STR$(StepNumber
)) + "/" + LTRIM$(STR$(TotalSteps
)) + ") Your goal is to turn all light bulbs on."
mx = 400
my = 400
lights(i, j).IsOn = false
StepNumber = StepNumber + 1
"(" + LTRIM$(STR$(StepNumber
)) + "/" + LTRIM$(STR$(TotalSteps
)) + ") However, you can't simply switch a light bulb on or off directly."
mx = 400
my = 400
StepNumber = StepNumber + 1
"(" + LTRIM$(STR$(StepNumber
)) + "/" + LTRIM$(STR$(TotalSteps
)) + ") You click a light bulb to turn the surrounding ones on/off."
MoveMouse mx, my, lights(2, 2).x + lights(2, 2).w / 2, lights(2, 2).y + lights(2, 2).h / 2
SetState lights(2, 2)
p5play Switch
StepNumber = StepNumber + 1
"(" + LTRIM$(STR$(StepNumber
)) + "/" + LTRIM$(STR$(TotalSteps
)) + ") Continue until all light bulbs are on."
MoveMouse mx, my, lights(3, 2).x + lights(3, 2).w / 2, lights(3, 2).y + lights(3, 2).h / 2
SetState lights(3, 2)
p5play Switch
StepNumber = StepNumber + 1
"(" + LTRIM$(STR$(StepNumber
)) + "/" + LTRIM$(STR$(TotalSteps
)) + ") Simple right? Click to start."
Level = 0
'functions below are borrowed from p5js.bas:
, minRange!
, maxRange!
, newMinRange!
, newMaxRange!
) map! = ((value! - minRange!) / (maxRange! - minRange!)) * (newMaxRange! - newMinRange!) + newMinRange!
constrain! = max(min(n!, high!), low!)
DIM tempHandle&
, setting$
setting$ = "vol"
CASE ".WAV", ".OGG", ".AIF", ".RIF", ".VOC" setting$ = "vol,sync,len,pause"
setting$ = "vol,pause,setpos"
totalLoadedSounds = totalLoadedSounds + 1
loadedSounds(totalLoadedSounds).handle = tempHandle&
= INSTR(setting$
, "sync") > 0 loadSound& = tempHandle&
SUB p5play
) IF loadedSounds
= soundHandle&