Author Topic: Vector Field Simulator  (Read 3360 times)

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Offline STxAxTIC

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Vector Field Simulator
« on: February 10, 2020, 02:00:40 am »
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. CONST Aquamarine = _RGB32(127, 255, 212)
  2. CONST Lime = _RGB32(0, 255, 0)
  5. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(600, 600, 32)
  8. DIM SHARED XCells
  9. DIM SHARED YCells
  10. XSize = INT(_WIDTH / 25)
  11. YSize = INT(_HEIGHT / 25)
  12. XCells = INT(_WIDTH / XSize)
  13. YCells = INT(_HEIGHT / YSize)
  14. NPC = .1 * SQR(XCells * YCells)
  16. TYPE Vector
  17.     x AS DOUBLE
  18.     y AS DOUBLE
  20. TYPE FieldLine
  21.     Center AS Vector
  22.     Tangent AS Vector
  24. TYPE Particle
  25.     Displacement AS Vector
  26.     Velocity AS Vector
  27.     Shade AS _UNSIGNED LONG
  29. TYPE Charge
  30.     Center AS Vector
  31.     Gradient AS Vector
  32.     Curl AS Vector
  34. DIM VectorField(XCells, YCells) AS FieldLine
  35. DIM Particles(XCells, YCells, NPC) AS Particle
  36. DIM Charges(100) AS Charge
  37. DIM SHARED ChargeCount
  39. ChargeCount = 1
  40. Charges(ChargeCount).Center.x = 0
  41. Charges(ChargeCount).Center.y = 0
  42. Charges(ChargeCount).Gradient.x = .05
  43. Charges(ChargeCount).Gradient.y = .05
  44. Charges(ChargeCount).Curl.x = 0
  45. Charges(ChargeCount).Curl.y = 0
  47. FOR i = 1 TO XCells
  48.     FOR j = 1 TO YCells
  49.         VectorField(i, j).Center.x = (1 / 2) * XSize * (2 * i - XCells) - XSize / 2
  50.         VectorField(i, j).Center.y = (1 / 2) * YSize * (2 * j - YCells) - YSize / 2
  51.         FOR k = 1 TO NPC
  52.             Particles(i, j, k).Shade = Lime
  53.             Particles(i, j, k).Displacement.x = XSize * (RND - .5)
  54.             Particles(i, j, k).Displacement.y = YSize * (RND - .5)
  55.         NEXT
  56.     NEXT
  58. GOSUB ResetVectorField
  60.         x = _MOUSEX
  61.         y = _MOUSEY
  62.         IF ((x > 0) AND (x < _WIDTH) AND (y > 0) AND (y < _HEIGHT)) THEN
  63.             Charges(ChargeCount).Center.x = (x - _WIDTH / 2)
  64.             Charges(ChargeCount).Center.y = (-y + _HEIGHT / 2)
  65.             GOSUB ResetVectorField
  66.         END IF
  67.     LOOP
  69.     k = _KEYHIT
  70.     SELECT CASE k
  71.         CASE 49
  72.             Charges(ChargeCount).Gradient.x = .05
  73.             Charges(ChargeCount).Gradient.y = .05
  74.             Charges(ChargeCount).Curl.x = 0
  75.             Charges(ChargeCount).Curl.y = 0
  76.         CASE 50
  77.             Charges(ChargeCount).Gradient.x = -.05
  78.             Charges(ChargeCount).Gradient.y = -.05
  79.             Charges(ChargeCount).Curl.x = 0
  80.             Charges(ChargeCount).Curl.y = 0
  81.         CASE 51
  82.             Charges(ChargeCount).Gradient.x = .05
  83.             Charges(ChargeCount).Gradient.y = -.05
  84.             Charges(ChargeCount).Curl.x = 0
  85.             Charges(ChargeCount).Curl.y = 0
  86.         CASE 52
  87.             Charges(ChargeCount).Gradient.x = -.05
  88.             Charges(ChargeCount).Gradient.y = .05
  89.             Charges(ChargeCount).Curl.x = 0
  90.             Charges(ChargeCount).Curl.y = 0
  91.         CASE 53
  92.             Charges(ChargeCount).Gradient.x = 0
  93.             Charges(ChargeCount).Gradient.y = 0
  94.             Charges(ChargeCount).Curl.x = .05
  95.             Charges(ChargeCount).Curl.y = -.05
  96.         CASE 54
  97.             Charges(ChargeCount).Gradient.x = 0
  98.             Charges(ChargeCount).Gradient.y = 0
  99.             Charges(ChargeCount).Curl.x = -.05
  100.             Charges(ChargeCount).Curl.y = .05
  101.         CASE 32
  102.             ChargeCount = ChargeCount + 1
  103.             Charges(ChargeCount).Center.x = Charges(ChargeCount - 1).Center.x
  104.             Charges(ChargeCount).Center.y = Charges(ChargeCount - 1).Center.y
  105.             Charges(ChargeCount).Gradient.x = Charges(ChargeCount - 1).Gradient.x
  106.             Charges(ChargeCount).Gradient.y = Charges(ChargeCount - 1).Gradient.y
  107.             Charges(ChargeCount).Curl.x = Charges(ChargeCount - 1).Curl.x
  108.             Charges(ChargeCount).Curl.y = Charges(ChargeCount - 1).Curl.y
  109.     END SELECT
  110.     IF (k <> 0) THEN
  111.         GOSUB ResetVectorField
  112.     END IF
  113.     _KEYCLEAR
  115.     LINE (0, 0)-(_WIDTH, _HEIGHT), _RGBA(0, 0, 0, 20), BF
  116.     CALL cline(0, 0, _WIDTH / 2, 0, Aquamarine)
  117.     CALL cline(0, 0, -_WIDTH / 2, 0, Aquamarine)
  118.     CALL cline(0, 0, 0, _HEIGHT / 2, Aquamarine)
  119.     CALL cline(0, 0, 0, -_HEIGHT / 2, Aquamarine)
  121.     LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT "Press 1-6 to change charge type. Press space to fix charge."
  122.     FOR i = 1 TO XCells
  123.         FOR j = 1 TO YCells
  124.             xc = VectorField(i, j).Center.x
  125.             yc = VectorField(i, j).Center.y
  126.             FOR k = 1 TO NPC
  127.                 xd = 0
  128.                 yd = 0
  129.                 xx = Particles(i, j, k).Displacement.x + .1 * Particles(i, j, k).Velocity.x
  130.                 yy = Particles(i, j, k).Displacement.y + .1 * Particles(i, j, k).Velocity.y
  131.                 IF (xx < -XSize / 2) THEN
  132.                     xd = -xx + XSize / 2
  133.                 END IF
  134.                 IF (xx > XSize / 2) THEN
  135.                     xd = -xx - XSize / 2
  136.                 END IF
  137.                 IF (yy < -YSize / 2) THEN
  138.                     yd = -yy + YSize / 2
  139.                 END IF
  140.                 IF (yy > YSize / 2) THEN
  141.                     yd = -yy + -YSize / 2
  142.                 END IF
  143.                 Particles(i, j, k).Displacement.x = xx + xd
  144.                 Particles(i, j, k).Displacement.y = yy + yd
  145.                 CALL cpset(xc + Particles(i, j, k).Displacement.x, yc + Particles(i, j, k).Displacement.y, Particles(i, j, k).Shade)
  146.             NEXT
  147.         NEXT
  148.     NEXT
  149.     _LIMIT 60
  150.     _DISPLAY
  152. ResetVectorField:
  153. FOR i = 1 TO XCells
  154.     FOR j = 1 TO YCells
  155.         xx = 0
  156.         yy = 0
  157.         FOR k = 1 TO ChargeCount
  158.             dx = VectorField(i, j).Center.x - Charges(k).Center.x
  159.             dy = VectorField(i, j).Center.y - Charges(k).Center.y
  160.             d2 = 5000 / (dx * dx + dy * dy)
  161.             xx = xx + (Charges(k).Gradient.x * dx * d2) + (Charges(k).Curl.x * dy * d2)
  162.             yy = yy + (Charges(k).Gradient.y * dy * d2) + (Charges(k).Curl.y * dx * d2)
  163.         NEXT
  164.         VectorField(i, j).Tangent.x = xx
  165.         VectorField(i, j).Tangent.y = yy
  166.         FOR k = 1 TO NPC
  167.             Particles(i, j, k).Velocity.x = VectorField(i, j).Tangent.x
  168.             Particles(i, j, k).Velocity.y = VectorField(i, j).Tangent.y
  169.         NEXT
  170.     NEXT
  173. SUB cline (x1, y1, x2, y2, col)
  174.     LINE (_WIDTH / 2 + x1, -y1 + _HEIGHT / 2)-(_WIDTH / 2 + x2, -y2 + _HEIGHT / 2), col
  176. SUB cpset (x1, y1, col)
  177.     PSET (_WIDTH / 2 + x1, -y1 + _HEIGHT / 2), col
* Untitled.png (Filesize: 103.37 KB, Dimensions: 600x597, Views: 272)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2020, 02:04:49 am by STxAxTIC »
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Offline EricE

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Re: Vector Field Simulator
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2020, 08:50:12 am »
Hello STxAxTIC,
I like this program!
Sources, sinks, and rotational motion displayed very nicely.
A good demonstrator for Div, Grad and Curl.

Offline _vince

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Re: Vector Field Simulator
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2020, 08:46:15 pm »
This kind of thing can look nice with a bunch of little propellers

Offline STxAxTIC

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Re: Vector Field Simulator
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2020, 09:52:56 pm »
Funny thing vince - I thought about doing that to demonstrate the curl... and for that matter i thought about an inflatable membrane that would respond to divergence, but I digress... What I *can* see is maybe making a silly game where you have to get a particle from one part of the screen to the other, along field lines caused by charges. Harder levels would have obstacles so you'd have to get the particle to suck into a magnet and out the other end or whatever... Maybe instead of one particle, you have to take care of a fleet of them like lemmings. Hmm.
You're not done when it works, you're done when it's right.