for now to get the emulation of a frame into a frame you must create a sub that link the positions of the components statically using the right Zorder to capture click of mouse.
for example...
Frame Option Zorder = 4, Frame Audio Zorder = 3, Frame GameLevel Zorder =2 , Frame Buttons Zorder = 1
Frame Audio.X = Frame Option.x +10, Frame GameLevel.x = Frame Option.x, etc etc
Frame Audio.Y = frame Option +10, Frame GameLevel.y = Frame Option.y+400 etc etc
---> so moving Frame Option you get to move also other elements of this panel control ! ;)
so you must do with property like Visible, Disabled...
for each movement of Option frame you must call this sub of rearrange of elements of this panel control!
Good Coding
(type type type type)