Author Topic: FACEBLOCK Puzzle Game.. Under Construction  (Read 5547 times)

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FACEBLOCK Puzzle Game.. Under Construction
« on: September 28, 2018, 01:57:34 pm »
This is a Trail Run of my Game.. Inspired by Sokoban.. Still Under Construction but you can Download my work Sofar and run the GAME

70 Levels, 3 Lives and a Timer.

You use the arrow keys to move and TAB key if you get stuck... But lives=lives-1 if Tab key pressed or Timer runs Out..

there is readme included.. there is more work on the game to be done.

The Title screen will have the high scores drop down into view. (not implemented just yet but getting there)
Game ending to be made
Level codes to be made so you can enter the code to go to another level (map,playsheet)
need to adjust the timer for levels (they are set for 60secs) but some need more. some need less.

I hope it looks ok, I am no art teacher..

Keyboard is sensitive, which i will leave as it adds to the fun.. can move diags also to save time (reads multi key strokes)
* FACEBLOCK Trial (Filesize: 4.6 MB, Downloads: 289)
Screenshot from 2018-09-29 02-31-42.png
* Screenshot from 2018-09-29 02-31-42.png (Filesize: 21.64 KB, Dimensions: 1920x1080, Views: 351)
Screenshot from 2018-09-29 02-30-41.png
* Screenshot from 2018-09-29 02-30-41.png (Filesize: 20.29 KB, Dimensions: 1920x1080, Views: 346)
« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 02:14:09 pm by PMACKAY »

Offline Petr

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Re: FACEBLOCK Puzzle Game.. Under Construction
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2018, 02:59:24 pm »

Nice game. The background music is great, I like the graphics too. Maybe by modifying the ascii table through _MAPUNICODE, you could expand your charset option, but it's just my guess.

Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: FACEBLOCK Puzzle Game.. Under Construction
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2018, 05:50:19 pm »

PS you can cheat shifting block among the basis! ;-)
Programming isn't difficult, only it's  consuming time and coffee


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Re: FACEBLOCK Puzzle Game.. Under Construction
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2018, 09:34:47 pm »
some maps need you to push a block onto the pad then onto the next will need the extra time in later levels as i will give less time to increase difficulty.. I will adjust timing to suit each map.. (another dim statement)

Time Bonus Block is + 5 seconds(time increments to a positive +5)

timing is printed to screen using _printstring (x,y),string$(length\4,"block")   -- no loop to draw it  (which is screen is 30 chars wide / 4) 7.5 long / into 60 secs
       I used timer(T1) to count so I set and forget.. the main loop only checks TI if zero outs.. Pretty simple
Title screen uses left$ and right$ to scroll text, I hold everything once printed on a timer then _display to update screen..  right$ replaces left$ by one block (eg scrolling no matter how long and looped)
             title is in a
                     do                          read inkey$

  the rest is on timer and sound loop.. so i only have to read the inkey$ and do nothing.. so title is speed adjusted with timer(t0) and timer (t1)

  My games use a dim screenmem%(to hold all screen activity) so in a loop i adjust all the data in my screenmem%(x,y), then i use a simple
   loop to display it.. "for i=1 to width:for j=1 to depth:_printstring(x,y),chr$(screenmem%):next : next  then when complete just a _display

        * before the print you can check the character and choose colours according.. then print

I do all character and animations before the display loops. then everything can be animated (scrolling, block updates, animation) no sprites or special graphics needed
 as I use the character rom and redefine it.. Gives me the feel of old school graphics and looks cool for ascII.. so animation is fast and easy.. (screen mode 0)
 fixed the cheating issue also (its just another four lines of code).. I was aware of it but had not fixed it yet.. (thanks TempodiBasic) :)   all it needs to do is check if inplace and inplace then dont move onto next square (eg.tile move invalid)

      *** The update has More code added and cheating removed / fixed Code.. I have re-compressed the entire code, with audio and data as some maps now have bonus time added.. just  download and recompile....)

* (Filesize: 4.6 MB, Downloads: 297)
« Last Edit: September 29, 2018, 03:21:42 am by PMACKAY »


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Re: FACEBLOCK Puzzle Game.. Under Construction
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2018, 03:00:39 pm »
The above link works good, I have got a more recent version to upload with a New Option

(F12) - which why in game play will let you Enter a Password to go to another Map (level)
Also when the Map is complete it now Displays the password for completed level.. (lowers volume during password display)

I will upload the next version after, sleep, dreams, wake up for a wee, have a shower, cuppa, scratch my head, turn on PC and zip it and upload.

But here are a couple of pics.
Screenshot from 2018-09-30 04-49-10.png
* Screenshot from 2018-09-30 04-49-10.png (Filesize: 19.15 KB, Dimensions: 1920x1080, Views: 332)
Screenshot from 2018-09-30 04-49-46.png
* Screenshot from 2018-09-30 04-49-46.png (Filesize: 18.85 KB, Dimensions: 1920x1080, Views: 342)


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Re: FACEBLOCK Puzzle Game.. Under Construction
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2018, 04:07:47 am »
Here is the latest one.. (build / still got stuff to add)
* (Filesize: 4.6 MB, Downloads: 300)


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Re: FACEBLOCK Puzzle Game.. Under Construction
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2018, 02:28:01 am »
PASSWORDFLAG = 0  is default   PASSWORDFLAG = (CHANGE TO 1 if you want Passwords Displayed at end of each map) "have to add config to this - options menu for sound, music volume, password show, passwords enable,change passwords for levels, reset scoretables)
There are New-blocks in the game Enabled now (One-way Blocks and Screen-flip)

* thinking of including my map editor so you guys can change the maps around and put the changes in to make it more fun or harder...

There is one more tile for me to code (Extra Life) but a couple of things to code first (tile any onto direction then block face direction) and (Flip screen tile up to be tile down, tile down to be tile up)

        * UPDATE BELOW*  -- attention: Download both files, the small is the main program update.. copy it over the first and compile (I just didn't want to upload two lots of 5megs)
      >>>> the small zipped folder has the updated main code which adds full support of the One-way Blocks.. Needed too make the Blocks Fully Functional (any block direction dropped on and rotates box according to direction<<<<

Also the flip screen now supports the one way blocks
* (Filesize: 4.62 MB, Downloads: 306)
* (Filesize: 4.54 KB, Downloads: 287)
* FACEBLOCK.bas (Filesize: 21.92 KB, Downloads: 269)
* faceblock.mkv (Filesize: 5.4 MB, Downloads: 306)
« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 08:51:58 am by PMACKAY »


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Re: FACEBLOCK Puzzle Game.. Under Construction
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2018, 08:54:34 am »
Updated block detection.. let me know if any errors.. i tried different combos and all seems good... much better can line blocks up now and enter from any side.

only included is the bas file.. have also now got a config. but will change program settings with it, timer on - off, password at end of level, music and sound (volumes) other stuff like bonus and points, extra lives
* FACEBLOCK.bas (Filesize: 24.76 KB, Downloads: 272)


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Re: FACEBLOCK Puzzle Game.. Under Construction
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2018, 11:52:26 am »
Should be fixed now.. Have tested and tested and tested. blocks seem to be working correctly now...

   Working on next area of code now.. feels a little smoother now.. Just changed a few things and added lots more.
* FACEBLOCK.bas (Filesize: 24.85 KB, Downloads: 283)
* SCREENMAP.000 (Filesize: 57.7 KB, Downloads: 262)
« Last Edit: October 07, 2018, 11:54:48 am by PMACKAY »


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Re: FACEBLOCK Puzzle Game.. Under Construction
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2018, 11:45:00 pm »
Update, Faster, full game loop. Score tables and score board to add. config to add. more code work done. see readme...
Added two more sounds, still working on the code... this is more better

 *** UPDATE ***

Just download and compile

Sorry guys the is a z= 5 on line 43... change to z=0 to start on level (zero)   oops...... passwordflag = 0 passwords off and =1 passwords on (does not effect pressing f-12 to enter a password) only display at end of level.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 01:05:07 am by PMACKAY »


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Re: FACEBLOCK Puzzle Game.. Under Construction
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2018, 12:49:17 am »
I know this is off subject, but here is a couple of pics of my new pc..

This is what i am making my games on.
* 20181008_153847.jpg (Filesize: 1.49 MB, Dimensions: 3264x1836, Views: 368)
* 20181008_153910.jpg (Filesize: 1.73 MB, Dimensions: 3264x1836, Views: 367)
* 20181008_154005.jpg (Filesize: 1.99 MB, Dimensions: 3264x1836, Views: 396)