Author Topic: Trick or Treat simulator(One key only)  (Read 4569 times)

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Offline Cobalt

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Trick or Treat simulator(One key only)
« on: October 12, 2021, 09:31:38 pm »
well for shints and giggles I thought I would throw something together for this one key only Halloween game thingy, not sure just what it is actually about or if this would even count, but hell why not.

The values will need some tweaking but they'll work for now. Perhaps I should add some random events too?

still pickin' the bugs out of my teeth but it mostly works. some weird inconsistency in some numbers I need to address but what do you guys think of the idea so far?

only key used is Space bar

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. 'Trick or Treat  candy collection simulator
  2. 'One key only input
  3. '2021-12-Oct
  4. 'Author - Cobalt
  6. '-----------------Lets do our setup---------------------
  7. TYPE Trick_or_Treatr_Data
  8.  Bag_Size AS _BYTE 'Size of player's colletion bag; Small, Med, Large, and back of Dad's pickup!
  9.  Houses_hit AS INTEGER 'How many houses has player approched?
  10.  Treats AS SINGLE 'How many OZs of treats has player recieved
  11.  Tricks AS INTEGER 'How many Tricks have been played on player
  12.  Energy AS SINGLE 'How much energy\drive does player have to walk up to houses?
  13.  Distance AS SINGLE 'How far has player traveled collecting candy?
  15. TYPE Game_Data
  16.  N_Houses AS _BYTE 'How many houses are lit on street
  17.  E_Houses AS _BYTE
  18.  W_Houses AS _BYTE
  19.  S_Houses AS _BYTE
  20.  N_Feet AS INTEGER 'how long is the street(This is used to calculate remaining energy)
  21.  E_Feet AS INTEGER
  22.  W_Feet AS INTEGER
  23.  S_Feet AS INTEGER
  24.  Egain AS INTEGER 'slight random chance of regaining energy
  25.  Eloss AS INTEGER 'energy loss from tricks
  26.  Street AS _BYTE
  27.  Treats AS _BYTE 'how much candy did player get from that street?
  29. CONST True = -1, False = NOT True
  30. CONST North = 0, East = 2, West = 3, South = 1
  32. SCREEN 0: CLS: RANDOMIZE TIMER 'havent used this main line setup in YEARS!
  33. DIM SHARED Player AS Trick_or_Treatr_Data
  34. DIM SHARED Game AS Game_Data
  35. DIM SHARED Directions(3) AS STRING
  36. DIM SHARED Layer(4) AS LONG
  37. Layer(1) = _NEWIMAGE(80, 25, 0) 'our temp layer
  38. Layer(2) = _NEWIMAGE(80, 25, 0) 'Menu Master layer
  39. '------------------------------------------------------
  40. Directions(0) = "North"
  41. Directions(1) = "South"
  42. Directions(2) = "East"
  43. Directions(3) = "West"
  45. Player.Energy = 5280 'players starting energy
  46. Player.Distance = 0
  47. '------------------------------------------------------
  49. Title_Screen
  50. _TITLE "Trick Or Treat Sim Ver 1.0"
  51. DO: LOOP WHILE _KEYDOWN(32) 'wait for player to release spacebar
  52. Select_Collection_Bag_Size
  54.  Create_Street_Options 'pick new streets
  55.  Select_Street
  56.  IF Game.Street < 4 THEN
  57.   IF Player.Energy > 0 THEN
  58.    IF VAL(Bag_Load) < 100 THEN
  59.     Generate_Results Game.Street
  60.     Display_Stats
  61.     Display_Results
  62.     PCOPY Layer(1), _DISPLAY
  63.     DO: _LIMIT 60: LOOP UNTIL _KEYHIT = 32
  64.     DO: LOOP WHILE _KEYDOWN(32) 'wait for player to release spacebar
  65.     _KEYCLEAR
  66.    ELSE
  67.     Display_Stats
  68.     PRINT "Bag Too Full"
  69.     PRINT: PRINT: PRINT: PRINT: PRINT "press space bar to continue"
  70.     PCOPY Layer(1), _DISPLAY
  71.     DO: _LIMIT 60: LOOP UNTIL _KEYHIT = 32
  72.     DO: LOOP WHILE _KEYDOWN(32) 'wait for player to release spacebar
  73.     _KEYCLEAR
  74.    END IF
  75.   ELSE
  76.    Display_Stats
  77.    PRINT "Too Tired."
  78.    PRINT: PRINT: PRINT: PRINT: PRINT "press space bar to continue"
  79.    PCOPY Layer(1), _DISPLAY
  80.    DO: _LIMIT 60: LOOP UNTIL _KEYHIT = 32
  81.    DO: LOOP WHILE _KEYDOWN(32) 'wait for player to release spacebar
  82.   END IF
  83.   CLS
  84.   'Player quit so display final stats
  85.   PRINT "You visited"; Player.Houses_hit; "houses and collected"; Player.Treats; "oz of candy!"
  86.   PRINT "You traveled"; Generate_Distance(5); "miles in your search for candy."
  87.   PRINT "You were tricked"; Player.Tricks; "times."
  88.   PRINT "your bag was"; Bag_Load; " full,"
  89.   SELECT CASE VAL(Bag_Load)
  90.    CASE IS > 100
  91.     PRINT "Amazing job! Just don't forget to brush your teeth!"
  92.    CASE 80 TO 100
  93.     PRINT "Not Bad, enough candy for a super sugar high!"
  94.    CASE 50 TO 79
  95.     PRINT "A good practice year, you'll get even more next year for sure!"
  96.    CASE 30 TO 49
  97.     PRINT "What happened!? Too many tricks and not enough treats?"
  98.    CASE IS < 29
  99.     PRINT "Pathetic... really pathetic! You call your self a Trick or Treatr'?"
  100.   Exitflag%% = True
  101. LOOP UNTIL Exitflag%%
  104. SUB Display_Results
  105.  _DEST Layer(1)
  106.  LOCATE 4, 1
  107.  PRINT "After walking"; Generate_Distance(Game.Street); " miles and visiting";
  109.  SELECT CASE Game.Street
  110.   CASE North
  111.    PRINT Game.N_Houses; "houses;"
  112.   CASE South
  113.    PRINT Game.S_Houses; "houses;"
  114.   CASE East
  115.    PRINT Game.E_Houses; "houses;"
  116.   CASE West
  117.    PRINT Game.W_Houses; "houses;"
  118.  PRINT "You gained"; Game.Treats; "oz candy."
  119.  PRINT "You lost an extra"; Game.Eloss; "points of energy from tricks."
  120.  IF Game.Egain THEN
  121.   PRINT "You gained"; Game.Egain; "energy from a punch bowl at one house!"
  122.   Game.Egain = 0
  123.  PRINT "press any space bar to continue"
  126. SUB Generate_Results (Which%%)
  127.  SELECT CASE Which%%
  128.   CASE North
  129.    Player.Distance = Player.Distance + Game.N_Feet
  130.    Player.Energy = Player.Energy - Game.N_Feet 'Remove the distance traveled from players energy
  131.    H%% = Game.W_Houses 'temp variable for number of houses
  132.   CASE South
  133.    Player.Distance = Player.Distance + Game.S_Feet
  134.    Player.Energy = Player.Energy - Game.S_Feet
  135.    H%% = Game.S_Houses 'temp variable for number of houses
  136.   CASE East
  137.    Player.Distance = Player.Distance + Game.E_Feet
  138.    Player.Energy = Player.Energy - Game.E_Feet
  139.    H%% = Game.E_Houses 'temp variable for number of houses
  140.   CASE West
  141.    Player.Distance = Player.Distance + Game.W_Feet
  142.    Player.Energy = Player.Energy - Game.W_Feet
  143.    H%% = Game.W_Houses 'temp variable for number of houses
  144.  'how many houses treated and how many tricked
  145.  Player.Houses_hit = Player.Houses_hit + H%%
  146.  Game.Treats = INT(H%% * (RND + .05)) 'treats add weight
  147.  Tricks = H%% - Game.Treats 'tricks take energy
  148.  Player.Treats = Player.Treats + INT(RND * Game.Treats) * 2 'add to weight up to 2x the treat houses
  149.  Game.Eloss = Tricks * 2 'stored here for the results messages
  150.  Player.Energy = Player.Energy - Tricks * 2 'energy cost
  151.  Player.Tricks = Player.Tricks + Tricks
  152.  IF INT(RND * 128) = 44 THEN 'get an energy bonus
  153.   'slight chance that player will gain some energy
  154.   Game.Egain = INT(RND * 263) + 263
  155.   Player.Energy = Player.Energy + Game.Egain
  157. SUB Select_Street
  158.  '---------------create menu for bag selection----------------
  159.  Make_Menu 2
  160.  '------------------------------------------------------------
  161.  _DEST Layer(1)
  162.  'main loop
  163.  Selection_Timer = 0
  164.  DO
  166.    'Move the selection while spacebar is down at 1\2 second intervals
  167.    Selection_Timer%% = Selection_Timer%% + 1
  168.    Key_Down%% = True
  169.   ELSE
  170.    Key_Down%% = False
  171.   END IF
  173.   IF Key_Down%% THEN 'while key is down increment selection every 30 cycles
  174.    IF Selection_Timer%% = 30 THEN Selection%% = Selection%% + 1: Selection_Timer%% = 0
  175.    IF Selection%% = 6 THEN Selection%% = 1
  176.   ELSEIF Selection%% > 0 THEN 'only make choice if a selection was made
  177.    Game.Street = Selection%% - 1
  178.    ExitFlag%% = True
  179.   ELSE
  180.    Selection_Timer%% = 0 'if player just tapped space bar reset timer
  181.   END IF
  183.   PCOPY Layer(2), Layer(1)
  184.   COLOR 14
  185.   SELECT CASE Selection%%
  186.    CASE 1
  187.     LOCATE 12, 12: Describe_Street Game.N_Houses, Generate_Distance(North), North
  188.    CASE 2
  189.     LOCATE 14, 12: Describe_Street Game.S_Houses, Generate_Distance(South), South
  190.    CASE 3
  191.     LOCATE 16, 12: Describe_Street Game.E_Houses, Generate_Distance(East), East
  192.    CASE 4
  193.     LOCATE 18, 12: Describe_Street Game.W_Houses, Generate_Distance(West), West
  194.    CASE 5
  195.     LOCATE 20, 12: PRINT "All done, head home."
  196.   Display_Stats
  197.   PCOPY Layer(1), _DISPLAY
  198.   CLS
  199.   _LIMIT 60
  200.  LOOP UNTIL ExitFlag%%
  201.  COLOR 7
  203. SUB Create_Street_Options
  204.  'generate the street info at this intersection
  205.  'Houses giving candy
  206.  Game.N_Houses = INT(RND * 100) + 1
  207.  Game.S_Houses = INT(RND * 100) + 1
  208.  Game.E_Houses = INT(RND * 100) + 1
  209.  Game.W_Houses = INT(RND * 100) + 1
  210.  'length of street(energy used to visit houses)
  211.  Game.N_Feet = INT(RND * 1056) + 528 + Game.N_Houses * 10
  212.  Game.S_Feet = INT(RND * 1056) + 528 + Game.S_Houses * 10
  213.  Game.E_Feet = INT(RND * 1056) + 528 + Game.E_Houses * 10
  214.  Game.W_Feet = INT(RND * 1056) + 528 + Game.W_Houses * 10
  216. SUB Select_Collection_Bag_Size
  217.  '---------------create menu for bag selection----------------
  218.  Make_Menu 1
  219.  '------------------------------------------------------------
  220.  _DEST Layer(1)
  221.  'main loop
  222.  Selection_Timer = 0
  223.  DO
  225.    'Move the selection while spacebar is down at 1\2 second intervals
  226.    Selection_Timer%% = Selection_Timer%% + 1
  227.    Key_Down%% = True
  228.   ELSE
  229.    Key_Down%% = False
  230.   END IF
  232.   IF Key_Down%% THEN 'while key is down increment selection every 30 cycles
  233.    IF Selection_Timer%% = 30 THEN Selection%% = Selection%% + 1: Selection_Timer%% = 0
  234.    IF Selection%% = 5 THEN Selection%% = 1
  235.   ELSEIF Selection%% > 0 THEN 'only make choice if a selection was made
  236.    Player.Bag_Size = Selection%%
  237.    ExitFlag%% = True
  238.   ELSE
  239.    Selection_Timer%% = 0 'if player just tapped space bar reset timer
  240.   END IF
  242.   PCOPY Layer(2), Layer(1)
  243.   COLOR 14
  244.   SELECT CASE Selection%%
  245.    CASE 1
  246.     LOCATE 12, 12: PRINT "Small bag(can hold ~160oz)"
  247.    CASE 2
  248.     LOCATE 14, 12: PRINT "Medium bag(can hold ~240oz)"
  249.    CASE 3
  250.     LOCATE 16, 12: PRINT "Large bag(can hold ~400oz)"
  251.    CASE 4
  252.     LOCATE 18, 12: PRINT "Dad's Pickup Truck(can hold ~32000oz)"
  253.   Display_Stats
  254.   PCOPY Layer(1), _DISPLAY
  255.   CLS
  256.   _LIMIT 60
  257.  LOOP UNTIL ExitFlag%%
  258.  COLOR 7
  260. SUB Make_Menu (Which%%)
  261.  _DEST Layer(2)
  262.  CLS
  263.  LOCATE 3, 1: PRINT "Instructions: Hold the space bar down until your option is selected then release "
  264.  LOCATE 4, 1: PRINT "              the space bar. Selected option will display in";: COLOR 14: PRINT " Yellow": COLOR 7
  265.  SELECT CASE Which%%
  266.   CASE 1 'bag selection menu"
  267.    Display_Option_Box 10, 10, 60, 9
  268.    LOCATE 10, 28: PRINT "Select your candy Bag size"
  269.    LOCATE 12, 12: PRINT "Small bag(can hold ~160oz)"
  270.    LOCATE 14, 12: PRINT "Medium bag(can hold ~240oz)"
  271.    LOCATE 16, 12: PRINT "Large bag(can hold ~400oz)"
  272.    LOCATE 18, 12: PRINT "Dad's Pickup Truck(can hold ~32000oz)"
  273.   CASE 2 'Street Selection Menu"
  274.    Display_Option_Box 5, 10, 70, 11
  275.    LOCATE 10, 28: PRINT "Select Street to collect from"
  276.    LOCATE 12, 12: Describe_Street Game.N_Houses, Generate_Distance(North), North
  277.    LOCATE 14, 12: Describe_Street Game.S_Houses, Generate_Distance(South), South
  278.    LOCATE 16, 12: Describe_Street Game.E_Houses, Generate_Distance(East), East
  279.    LOCATE 18, 12: Describe_Street Game.W_Houses, Generate_Distance(West), West
  280.    LOCATE 20, 12: PRINT "All done, head home."
  281.  _DEST Layer(1)
  283. SUB Display_Option_Box (X1, Y1, Xsize, Ysize)
  284.  'Ä¿À³ÙÚ
  285.  '----------top and bottom line----------------
  286.  FOR x% = 0 TO Xsize
  287.   LOCATE Y1, X1 + x%: PRINT "Ä"
  288.   LOCATE Y1 + Ysize, X1 + x%: PRINT "Ä"
  289.  NEXT x%
  290.  '---------------------------------------------
  291.  '---------Left and Right lines----------------
  292.  FOR y% = 0 TO Ysize
  293.   LOCATE Y1 + y%, X1: PRINT "³"
  294.   LOCATE Y1 + y%, X1 + Xsize: PRINT "³"
  295.  NEXT y%
  296.  '---------------------------------------------
  297.  '----------Four corners-----------------------
  298.  LOCATE Y1, X1: PRINT "Ú"
  299.  LOCATE Y1 + Ysize, X1: PRINT "À"
  300.  LOCATE Y1, X1 + Xsize: PRINT "¿"
  301.  LOCATE Y1 + Ysize, X1 + Xsize: PRINT "Ù"
  302.  '---------------------------------------------
  304. SUB Display_Stats
  305.  _DEST Layer(1)
  306.  LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT "Bag Status:"; Bag_Load$; " full"; TAB(25); "Energy Left:"; Player.Energy; TAB(50); "Candy Collected:"; Player.Treats; "oz"
  308. SUB Describe_Street (Count%, Length!, Direction%)
  309.  PRINT "To the "; Directions(Direction%); " has"; Count%; "lights on, and is"; Length!; "miles long"
  311. FUNCTION Generate_Distance! (which%%)
  312.  SELECT CASE which%%
  313.   CASE 0
  314.    Result! = Game.N_Feet / 5280
  315.   CASE 1
  316.    Result! = Game.S_Feet / 5280
  317.   CASE 2
  318.    Result! = Game.E_Feet / 5280
  319.   CASE 3
  320.    Result! = Game.W_Feet / 5280
  321.   CASE 5 'player final distance
  322.    Result! = Player.Distance / 5280
  323.  Result! = INT(Result! * 100) / 100
  324.  Generate_Distance = Result!
  326. FUNCTION Bag_Load$
  327.  Result$ = "0%"
  328.  SELECT CASE Player.Bag_Size
  329.   CASE 1 'Small bag
  330.    Result$ = STR$(INT(Player.Treats / 160 * 100)) + "%"
  331.   CASE 2 'Medium bag
  332.    Result$ = STR$(INT(Player.Treats / 240 * 100)) + "%"
  333.   CASE 3 'Large bag
  334.    Result$ = STR$(INT(Player.Treats / 400 * 100)) + "%"
  335.   CASE 4 'truck
  336.    Result$ = STR$(INT(Player.Treats / 32000 * 100)) + "%"
  337.  Bag_Load = Result$
  339. SUB Title_Screen
  340.  COLOR 6
  341.  PRINT "   TTTTTT  RRRR    IIIIII   CCCC   KK  KK                                      "
  342.  PRINT "     TT    RR  RR    II    CC  CC  KK KK                                       "
  343.  PRINT "     TT    RR  RR    II    CC      KKKK                                        "
  344.  PRINT "     TT    RR RR     II    CC  CC  KK KK                                       "
  345.  PRINT "     TT    RR  RR  IIIIII   CCCC   KK  KK                                      "
  346.  PRINT "                                                                               "
  347.  PRINT "                                OOOO   RRRR                                    "
  348.  PRINT "                               OO  OO  RR  RR                                  "
  349.  PRINT "                               OO  OO  RR  RR                                  "
  350.  PRINT "             /\                OO  OO  RR RR                                   "
  351.  PRINT "          __(_(__               OOOO   RR  RR                                  "
  352.  PRINT "       .-'._'-'_.'-                                                            "
  353.  PRINT "     .'.' (•\'/¢) '.'.            TTTTTT  RRRR    EEEEEE    AA   TTTTTT        "
  354.  PRINT "    / :_/_:  ê  :_\_: \             TT    RR  RR  EE       AAAA    TT          "
  355.  PRINT "   | :   \'=...='/   : |            TT    RR  RR  EEEE    AA  AA   TT          "
  356.  PRINT "    \ :  :'.___.':  : /             TT    RR RR   EE      AAAAAA   TT          "
  357.  PRINT "     '-:__:__:__:__:-'              TT    RR  RR  EEEEEE  AA  AA   TT          "
  358.  COLOR 8
  359.  LOCATE 23, 1: PRINT "Powered by QB64      (press space bar to continue)"
  360.  COLOR 7
  362. SUB Pumpkin_Screen
  363.  '
  364.  '                             @@@
  365.  '                             @@@
  366.  '                              @@@                       H A P P Y
  367.  '                              @@@
  368.  '                      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@         H A L L O W E E N
  369.  '                    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  370.  '                  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  371.  '                @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@
  372.  '              @@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@
  373.  '            @@@@@@@@@@     @@@@@@@@@@@@     @@@@@@@@@@
  374.  '           @@@@@@@@@@       @@@@  @@@@       @@@@@@@@@@
  375.  '           @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  376.  '           @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@        @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  377.  '           @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  378.  '           @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  379.  '           @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@
  380.  '            @@@@@@@@  @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @  @@@@@@@@
  381.  '              @@@@@@@                        @@@@@@@
  382.  '                @@@@@@  @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ @@@@@@
  383.  '                  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  384.  '                    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  385.  '                      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  386.  '
  387.  '------------------------------------------------
  388.  'Thank you for visiting
  389.  'This ASCII pic can be found at
  390.  '
Granted after becoming radioactive I only have a half-life!

Offline bplus

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Re: Trick or Treat simulator(One key only)
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2021, 09:59:30 pm »
Ah, you have a sort of text adventure game going all in text and with Halloween Theme one key spacebar.

Is there like dice rolling taking place so user can see how his fate went with his choice? Could be illustrated in ASCII.

All good! are there any candy bag skeletal thieves in the future? (Kkeletal because they are dying or died of hunger).

Ha! I've been raiding the on-line ASCII files too!
Testing a flying witch.PNG

Offline bplus

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Re: Trick or Treat simulator(One key only)
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2021, 10:02:40 pm »
From Christopher Johnson's ASCII Art Collection:

Splash Screen comic:
Thank you for visiting
This ASCII pic can be found at

10 Halloweens.txt (supposed to be 13 I think):
Thank you for visiting
This ASCII pic can be found at

Offline Pete

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Re: Trick or Treat simulator(One key only)
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2021, 10:28:24 pm »
My sister-in-law and will be citing you with a copyright violation. Not the code, the artwork.

Want to learn how to write code on cave walls?

Offline Cobalt

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Re: Trick or Treat simulator(One key only)
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2021, 10:56:06 pm »
My sister-in-law and will be citing you with a copyright violation. Not the code, the artwork.


Why? Illegal use of a self portrait ?
Granted after becoming radioactive I only have a half-life!

Offline Cobalt

  • QB64 Developer
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Re: Trick or Treat simulator(One key only)
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2021, 10:59:14 pm »
Ah, you have a sort of text adventure game going all in text and with Halloween Theme one key spacebar.

Is there like dice rolling taking place so user can see how his fate went with his choice? Could be illustrated in ASCII.

All good! are there any candy bag skeletal thieves in the future? (Kkeletal because they are dying or died of hunger).

Ha! I've been raiding the on-line ASCII files too!

I was wondering about some kind of random chance events, and thats not a bad one.
might find some ASCII art to make a kind of splash screen when they happen.

yep those are the sites I ran by, added my own little tweaks to the pumpkin though, so not totally leaching.
Granted after becoming radioactive I only have a half-life!

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Re: Trick or Treat simulator(One key only)
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2021, 11:04:07 pm »
Yeah, the ASCII witch is spot on. She's old fashioned, too. Still rides around on a broomstick, when most have upgraded to automatics.

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Offline bplus

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Re: Trick or Treat simulator(One key only)
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2021, 11:19:33 pm »
Here's maybe a funny story, I cut that image out of a group of 3.75 a coven in a cloud. It was the only one whole after clearing overlap of others in row X col frame.

I WAS thinking I could do a mirror image of it be reversing the order of the letters, ha, ha, ha!
Not a blunder, not a blonder, not a blender or a blinder, an out and out boner, skeletal speaking of course.