Author Topic: Iterated digits squaring - Rosetta Code  (Read 5675 times)

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Offline david_uwi

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Re: Iterated digits squaring - Rosetta Code
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2021, 07:58:32 am »
It will not work after 13 digits because 81*13 >1000.
I was assuming that after the first iteration the numbers were <1000.

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1.     FOR i = 1 TO pp
  2.         IF xa(i) <> 0 THEN
  3.             z1 = i
  4.             DO
  5.                 d=0
  6.                 if z1>1000 then z1=z1-1000:d=1
  7.                 a = z1 \ 100
  8.                 z1 = z1 MOD 100
  9.                 b = z1 \ 10
  10.                 c = z1 MOD 10
  11.                 z1 = a * a + b * b + c * c + d
  12.                 IF z1 = 89 THEN m89 = m89 + xa(i): EXIT DO
  13.                 IF z1 = 1 THEN m1 = m1 + xa(i): EXIT DO
  14.             LOOP
  15.         END IF
  16.     NEXT i
Change the loop near the end that checks the numbers after the first iteration

I like these problems that cannot easily be "brute forced".
The trick with this one is that after the first iteration the all the numbers are reduced to 3 digits (or less).
So the program calculates these. Many of the original n-digit numbers will give the same value after the first iteration.
So instead of using the digits 1-9 you start with the square of these 1,4,9,16...
Then build up the (squares of) two digit numbers by combining all permutation of the one digit numbers.
Then build up the 3 digit numbers by combining the 2-digit with the one digit and so on.
Then add them all up. then check the <=3 digit number for 89 convergence (without using strings -because these are slow).

Offline david_uwi

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Re: Iterated digits squaring - Rosetta Code
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2021, 10:31:41 am »
Ah rookie mistake there on line 6. It should (of course) be >999 (not >1000)

Offline bplus

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Re: Iterated digits squaring - Rosetta Code
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2021, 06:01:46 pm »
@david_uwi  thanks for more clues in reply #15 and your fix for for going beyond 13 digits worked fine.

Offline david_uwi

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Re: Iterated digits squaring - Rosetta Code
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2021, 03:29:50 am »
There is actually no need for the outer loop (for ndigits =1 to 19).
The matrix ib contains all the information. ib(x,1) contains all the 1 digit numbers, ib(x,2) all the two digit numbers..
ib(x,9) all the nine digit numbers. So to get up to 5 digits add ib(x,1)+ib(x,2)+ib(x,3),ib(x,4)+ib(x,5).
When I say 5 digit I mean 10000-99999.
So it might be even quicker! May even beat the C++, but as qb64 is converted to C before compiling this is not surprising.