QB64 provides COMMAND$ for retrieving the parameters that a program is invoked with. However, the model that it provides is the pure positional method - that is, COMMAND$(1) is $1, COMMAND$(2) is $2 (or %1 and %2 in a DOSWIN environment), and so on.
PowerShell, on the other hand, has intelligent parameter processing. Parameters are named, the names are aliasable, the unaliased name can be used as a variable in the PowerShell script, and the order in which they are supplied is not mandated. Additionally, it allows for "Intelligent minimization", where only enough of the parameter name is required to ensure uniquely identifying the parameter.
Is there a set of routines somewhere that implements PowerShell-style parameter handling for QB64? It doesn't have to be as perfectly transparent as PowerShell, but I'd like to be able to say things like COUNT% = PARAMETER("COUNT", INTEGER), and have it parse out the command line for the string -Count or /count (not case sensitive), or even /C if it's unique, and find and return the integer following it.