Man! where was I?
I was right in the middle of posting code when my mouse dies, I start replacing batteries, nothing works. Oh the computer completely frozen.
I shut down, restart and next thing I know I am loading Windows update! The f..
Crap did I save the code? Well a backup restorer came up in QB64 when I restarted, who do I thank for that? Thanks!
Hi Ron,
I have something maybe worked out for English to Hebrew, maybe you tell me.
This code takes the Hebrew symbols made from code you posted earlier and gets from you what symbol you want associated with what key for capital letters A to Z, 26 symbols or 0 if no symbol works.
I convert these associations to DATA statement in _CLIPBOARD that you need to paste back in under the other Hebrew DATA lines, then we can make a better English2Heb translator:
Warning: this overwrites your clipboard contents so if you have anything important in clipboard get it saved before running code.
_TITLE "Get Hebrew symbol data" 'b+ 2019-08-16 _FONT _LOADFONT("C:\Windows\Fonts\Cour.ttf", 20, "MONOSPACE") 'select monospace font
RESTORE Microsoft_windows_cp1255
'or restore single DATA field w/o field name FOR ascii
= 128 TO 255 'assign unicode values to ascii 128 to 255 only IF unicode&
= 0 THEN unicode&
= 9744 'make undefined characters look like a box
'FOR code = 128 TO 255
' PRINT code; CHR$(code); 'display unicode characters
'PRINT "Ron, for each letter you see, type the 3 digit symbol code to the left"
'PRINT "of the Hebrew symbol you want to see associated with that key."
PRINT code;
'display unicode characters PRINT "Ron, for each letter you see, type the 3 digit symbol code to the left" PRINT "of the Hebrew symbol you want to see associated with that key." INPUT "code or 0 > "; code
dat(a - 64) = code
PRINT "OK, now we test Hebrew echo's of input:" INPUT "Enter word or phrase (no commas, nothing quits) > "; test$
eng2heb test$
= "English2Hebrew:" + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + "DATA "PRINT:
PRINT "Please paste the contents of your clipboard into this source program for storage."
DATA 8364,0,8218,402,8222,8230,8224,8225,710,8240,0,8249,0,0,0,0 DATA 0,8216,8217,8220,8221,8226,8211,8212,732,8482,0,8250,0,0,0,0 DATA 160,161,162,163,8362,165,166,167,168,169,215,171,172,173,174,175 DATA 176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,247,187,188,189,190,191 DATA 1456,1457,1458,1459,1460,1461,1462,1463,1464,1465,0,1467,1468,1469,1470,1471 DATA 1472,1473,1474,1475,1520,1521,1522,1523,1524,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 DATA 1488,1489,1490,1491,1492,1493,1494,1495,1496,1497,1498,1499,1500,1501,1502,1503 DATA 1504,1505,1506,1507,1508,1509,1510,1511,1512,1513,1514,0,0,8206,8207,0
'bplus test run pasted from clipboard after match english letters to Hebrew symbols
DATA 224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,
) c = c - 1
This is what I pasted in for testing, paste your correct version right over it please or let me know what's wrong or not working.
DATA 224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,