Great job on adding red tank movement while blue tank is firing!
I noticed after playing a bit that some stray red bullets are left on the screen. If it isn't too hard to fix that, it would be a nice refinement. I used to track the position of a bullet, and make sure that it was always cleared from the screen when exploded or otherwise terminated.
So one line of praise, and one suggestion for improvement, but when I take the the whole game development into consideration, I'd say you did 99 things right, and just have that one refinement you may or may not want to consider for any further versions.
"Tanks" btw, for not being a "snowflake" about suggestions. We had one ice, ice baby on here who thought his apps were solid gold but in reality, they were the after-product of what some space alien would produce after having solid gold for breakfast.
Well, if you ever decide to add additional features, you might want to consider a ricochet effect. You just place triangular objects within the maze, and when a bullet hits one, it turns the corner! That's a bit harder to program than it sounds, but it would add an extra dimension that could kick in more and more as the player advances.
All in all, congrats, you made a REAL game! I say that with a lot of admiration, because you saw an idea through to completion. A lot of programmers just put some code together to demo a concept, which is fine, as it is all about learning, anyway, but few actually finish a project and have a winner in the end.
Nice job, and I hope you keep coding and posting to the forum!