'/title Animations (version 2) using thumbs
'/type utility
' Controls while playing animation
' - = decrease animation speed
' + = increase animation speed
' TAB = change playback direction (forward/reverse)
' Backspace = back to selection screen
_TITLE "Animations (version 2) using thumbs"
, newdelay%
, newdelay!
, t#
, path$
, DelayFile$
DIM SHARED MenuIconsPath$
, reload
, BGrd
, BGgr
, BGbl
DelayFile$ = path$ + "\delay.dat"
MenuIconsPath$ = path$ + "\AniFrames"
wallpaperPath$ = path$ + "\AniPlayer2wallpapers\"
(10), catY
(10), catW
(10), catH
(10) GetCatagories
(50), iconY
(50), iconW
(50), iconH
(50), icon#
, icons
), frames
, direction$
, AniDelay
' value of 'MaxSlowDelay' is the largest value allowed to slow down
' an animation. Could really be any number wanted.
GetLabelValue "Animation2.ini", "CountPerSec", "", CountPerSec
configfile$ = "Animation2.ini"
GetLabelValue configfile$, "BGrd", "", BGrd
GetLabelValue configfile$, "BGgr", "", BGgr
GetLabelValue configfile$, "BGbl", "", BGbl
GetLabelValue configfile$, "ScrnWidth", "", ScrnWidth
GetLabelValue configfile$, "ScrnHeight", "", ScrnHeight
GetLabelValue configfile$, "wallpaper", wallpaper$, n
wallpaper$ = wallpaperPath$ + wallpaper$
CheckForFile wallpaper$, found
PRINT "warning! following wallpaper image not found..." UserWarned = 1
wallpaper$ = ""
GetLabelValue configfile$, "ScrnWidth", "", ScrnWidth
GetLabelValue configfile$, "ScrnHeight", "", ScrnHeight
= _WIDTH(image&
) ' get image width imgH%
= _HEIGHT(image&
) ' get image height ScrnWidth = imgW%
ScrnHeight = imgH%
BGrd = 10
BGgr = 100
BGbl = 20
fill = 1
DrawBox 0, 0, ScrnWidth, ScrnHeight, BGrd, BGgr, BGbl, fill
reload = 0
= _MOUSEBUTTON(2) ' retrieve right button status
TestClickPos mx, my
clkd = 1
clkd = 0
SUB TestClickPos
, my
) '################################################
'-- clicked on a icon?
x = iconX(i)
y = iconY(i)
w = iconW(i)
h = iconH(i)
LoadAnimationFrames i
reload = 1
icon# = i
'--clicked on a catagory label ?
x = catX(i)
y = catY(i)
w = catW(i)
h = catH(i)
Cat# = i
reload = 1
SUB DrawIconBoxes
x = iconX(i)
y = iconY(i)
w = iconW(i)
h = iconH(i)
= _RGB32(BGrd
, BGgr
, BGbl
- 2, y
- 2)-(x
+ w
+ 1, y
+ h
+ 1), clr&
, B
- 3, y
- 3)-(x
+ w
+ 2, y
+ h
+ 2), clr&
, B
SUB DrawBox
, y
, w
, h
, Rd
, Gr
, Bl
, fill
) '########################################### LINE (x
, y
+ w
- 1, y
+ h
- 1), clr&
, BF
, y
+ w
- 1, y
+ h
- 1), clr&
, B
SUB ShowCatagories
x = 10
y = 10
h = 40
w = ScrnWidth / catagories
img$ = MenuIconsPath$ + "\" + Catagory$(c) + ".png"
= _WIDTH(image&
) ' get image width h%
= _HEIGHT(image&
) ' get image height clr = 0
DrawBox x - 3, y - 3, w% + 6, h% + 6, clr, clr, clr, 1
catX(c) = x
catY(c) = y
catW(c) = w%
catH(c) = h%
x = x + w% + 10
SUB GetCatagories
tf$ = "~cats.tmp"
cmd$ = "dir " + q$ + MenuIconsPath$ + q$ + " /b >" + tf$
''SHELL _DONTWAIT "notepad ~cats.tmp": END
i = i + 1
Catagory$(i) = cat$
catagories = i
Cat# = 1
SUB LoadIcons
tf$ = "~SubCat.tmp"
path$ = MenuIconsPath$ + "\" + Catagory$(Cat#) + "\"
cmd$ = "dir " + q$ + path$ + "*" + q$ + " /b >" + tf$
''SHELL "notepad.exe " + tf$: END
IconSqr = 50
y = 60
x1 = 5
x = x1
img$ = path$ + fldr$ + "\$tn.jpg"
''PRINT img$; "<": END
= _WIDTH(image&
) ' get image width h%
= _HEIGHT(image&
) ' get image height IF h%
> tallest
THEN tallest
= h%
i = i + 1
iconX(i) = x
iconY(i) = y
iconW(i) = w%
iconH(i) = h%
) = LEFT$(img$
, LEN(img$
) - 4) 'trim off .XXX
x = x + w% + 10
IF x
+ IconSqr
>= ScrnWidth
THEN y = y + tallest + 10
x = x1
tallest = 0
icon# = 1
icons = i
SUB GetLabelValue
, lbl$
, v$
, n
) '##################################
SUB LoadAnimationFrames
) '######################################################### ''CLS: PRINT IconName$(i): END
= LEFT$(IconName$
), p
- 1)'--------------------------------------------------------------
'' CLS: PRINT folder$; "<": END
_TITLE "Animation : " + folder$
''path$ = StartPath$ + "\" + Catagory$(Cat#) + "\" + folder$(i)
tf$ = "~~animates.tmp"
cmd$ = "dir " + q$ + path$ + q$ + " /b >" + tf$
'' SHELL "notepad.exe " + tf$: END
CheckForFile DelayFile$, found
'AniDelay is a percent of CountPerSec
newdelay! = newdelay% / 1000
AniDelay = 1
i = 0
f$ = "" 'this is a thumbnail image
CASE ".jpg", ".png", ".bmp" i = i + 1
FrameName$(i) = path$ + "\" + f$
'CLS :
PRINT i; FrameName$
"<" 'EXIT DO
frames = i
ScrnWidth = 600
ScrnHeight = 500
ScreenMode = 32
img$ = FrameName$(1)
ScrnWidth = w%
ScrnHeight = h% + 15
direction$ = "F"
PlayTheAnimation k$
SUB CheckForFile
, found
) '############################################## found = 0
SUB PlayTheAnimation
) '################################################ ForStart = 1
ForStop = frames
ForStep = 1
ForStart = frames
ForStop = 1
ForStep = -1
img$ = FrameName$(i)
' Update delay file.
' Update delay file.
IF newdelay%
< MaxSlowDelay
THEN newdelay% = newdelay% + 1
newdelay! = newdelay% / 1000
IF AniDelay
< MaxSlowDelay
THEN AniDelay = AniDelay + 1
AniDelay = AniDelay - 1
IF AniDelay
< 1 THEN AniDelay
= 1 newdelay% = newdelay% - 1
newdelay! = newdelay% / 1000
direction$ = "R"
direction$ = "F"
' Three delay options.
''_DELAY newdelay% / 5000
''IF ABS(TIMER - t#) > newdelay! THEN EXIT DO ' (Can be Substituted for the call sub below if a midnite delay is not a big deal.)
per = i / frames
ln = ScrnWidth * per
x = 0
y = ScrnHeight - 13
h = 5
fill = 1
w = ScrnWidth
Rd = 0 ' 255
Gr = 0 ' 255
Bl = 0 '' 255
'black out the progress bar
DrawBox x, y, w, h, Rd, Gr, Bl, fill
w = ln
Rd = 255
Gr = 255
Bl = 255
'draw the progress bar
DrawBox x, y, w, h, Rd, Gr, Bl, fill
SUB ShowDelayBar
x = 0
y = ScrnHeight - 5
h = 5
fill = 1
w = ScrnWidth
Rd = 0 ' 255
Gr = 0 ' 255
Bl = 0 '' 255
'black out the delay value bar
DrawBox x, y, w, h, Rd, Gr, Bl, fill
per = (AniDelay / MaxSlowDelay) * 100
Rd = 0: Gr = 255: Bl = 0
Rd = 255: Gr = 255: Bl = 0
Rd = 255: Gr = 0: Bl = 0
per = per / 100
w = ScrnWidth * per
'draw the delay value bar
DrawBox x, y, w, h, Rd, Gr, Bl, fill
t# = t# - 86400 'Midnite adjustment