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Messages - johnno56

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 85
QB64 Discussion / Re: Particle System
« on: April 11, 2022, 12:16:50 am »
Cheese and lava... I would not have made the connection... I will be sure to check out your Moon Lander. Thank you.

Programs / Re: Finger Painting in QBJS
« on: April 10, 2022, 08:50:15 pm »
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 runs ok. Cool...

QB64 Discussion / Re: Particle System
« on: April 10, 2022, 04:04:45 pm »
I have a feeling that I may have asked these questions before... Probably my age is showing... *sigh*

Bplus. Thank you for the sdl reference... Those programs were direct conversion from basic256 (No, Vince... Not a successor by a long mark... - Basic256 was used because it was easy for me to convert... lol) These were just plain conversions. No reference or documentation as to why or how it all works. A prime example, on my part, of Monkey see... Monkey do... But, I have to admit, their examples were indeed impressive... Not exactly Fireworks but still impressive...

There are many examples of particle systems 'out there' that explain, in detail, how it all works, but the coding languages that are used, may as well have been written in Romulan...  I would prefer references in Basic as I have spent my most of my adult life learning and tinkering with Basic. I cannot afford to dedicate a similar period of time in leaning a new language...

Some of the games I have cobbled together in the past are a little, shall we say boring or plain, and figured that particle effects might add a little extra... might be fun...

Many thanks for the pseudo code... That helps a lot...

QB64 Discussion / Particle System
« on: April 10, 2022, 03:46:13 am »
I have been searching for a document(s), video, tutorials etc., on how to create a particle system. The problem is, I found heaps... My biggest problem is that the lack of information when it comes to Basic. I know that particle systems have been used in games etc. on this site. Which in itself is great. But, I seem to learn more from a tutorial as opposed to 'Monkey see. Monkey do.'  Copy and paste is fine, if only a result is needed, but that does not teach me how and why the code works... I am not sure I am making much sense. If I knew how to use all the other language examples that I have looked at, I probably would not be asking... Basic is what I know best... Basic examples/tutorials are what I am looking for... I would appreciate any assistance that you are willing to offer. Thank you.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Scaling
« on: April 09, 2022, 11:43:43 pm »
Thank you, Steve. The demo did as advertised... Cool... Now to find those old programs again....

Much appreciated.


QB64 Discussion / Scaling
« on: April 09, 2022, 10:23:33 pm »
I happened to be resurrecting some 'old' QB programs, mainly dealing with particles, and noticed an annoying recurrence. Most of them use a screen size of around 320x200+...  On my screen, 1920x1080, it seems to be no bigger than a business card in comparison...

My question is; Does QB64 have an inbuilt function to scale the size of the image so that the 320x240 display can 'stretched' to fit a larger screen? It is not an issue or a big deal. I am just curious to know.


Programs / Re: ascII almost smooth pixel scroll
« on: April 09, 2022, 05:15:45 pm »
Ok... The scrolling is quite smooth...  Cleverly done.  I even like the colour!
May I suggest that, the colour parameters for lines 31, 37 and 52, be changed to "9". In my opinion this will enhance the look and feel... Moo Ha Ha...

Programs / Re: ascII almost smooth pixel scroll
« on: April 09, 2022, 07:58:18 am »
I tried the program, but the printing of the 'strange' characters on lines 31 and 37, do not have a Linux equivalent... Can you describe what it is meant to look like? - Just a screen shot will be ok...

QB64 Discussion / Re: QB64 Bounty List
« on: April 09, 2022, 07:51:21 am »
Last week, he in Melbourne Australia, our fuel cost was $2.20 per Litre - 4.8 litres per gallon - that's roughly AU$10.56 per gallon (Almost US$7.90)

So many complaints about the cost of fuel, combined with the fact that more and more people limited the use of their cars and effecting the profits of the fuel companies, that the Government had to remove a portion of sales tax from the fuel just to get people back on the road... But, I suspect an ulterior motive... Our Federal elections are happening in November....

Steve. Just 'one' tractor, right? Man, that is a ton of money... and many times a year! I cringe just thinking about it....

Programs / Re: QBJS - QBasic for the Web
« on: April 04, 2022, 04:53:13 pm »
Cool... "Now with Sound"... But got killed off quite quickly... *sigh*  I suppose I should be getting used to that by now... lol

Programs / Re: Easter Egg Decorating
« on: March 30, 2022, 05:48:37 pm »
Ken. Technically a "plectrum" is used to strum the strings of a guitar etc., where as a pick, is used to pluck individual strings. But that does not stop people from using either for both purposes...  But I knew what you meant...  ah... trivia.. ya just gotta love it...

QB64 Discussion / Re: Possible legal advice
« on: March 30, 2022, 05:39:06 pm »
... of course, if I ever use Screen 0, I will keep your warning in mind... the 'Esq." was a nice touch...  lol

QB64 Discussion / Re: Possible legal advice
« on: March 30, 2022, 04:16:39 pm »
Thanks guys. Much appreciated.


QB64 Discussion / Possible legal advice
« on: March 30, 2022, 03:28:16 pm »
There are some of the IDE colour themes that I like. My question is: Are there any legal reasons as to why I cannot use those themes in other IDE's? I do not want to be "stepping on toes".... Please advise...


QB64 Discussion / Re: What's your philosophy about constants?
« on: March 26, 2022, 04:04:29 pm »
One may argue that they are man made constructs invented to prolong the illusion of man's existence.

This "One" would ask... In which Universe?

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