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Messages - NYYRIKKI

Pages: [1]
QB64 Discussion / Re: Output EXE to Source Folder
« on: April 28, 2021, 12:48:38 am »
Yes... The thing is just that if I'm ever going to release the source of the tool I'm making, these kind of things lurking in there are quite a bombs...

QB64 Discussion / Re: Output EXE to Source Folder
« on: April 27, 2021, 01:11:33 pm »
Thank you.

Yes, the problem is not with the EXE-file... That is created to correct folder, but if I ie. use $EXEICON in my source then the parameter file is not fetched from the source folder... I did try also creating a shortcut of BQ64 and then editing the "Start in" of the shortcut, but this did not change anything, so the problem still remains.


QB64 Discussion / Output EXE to Source Folder
« on: April 27, 2021, 12:39:27 pm »

Can someone help me? I have two questions about QB64:

1) I have selected "Output EXE to Source Folder", but I still can't use RUN/Start (F5) as then my _STARTDIR$ is all wrong. What am I doing wrong? Am I using wrong function to find my other files? Should I be parsing COMMAND$(0) instead or...

2) Is there a build in way to output variable size string to COM-port without sending out the string size? It seems that I can do this ok to file, but on COM-port there are always these two extra size bytes in front... With fixed size strings I don't seem to have this problem.

I am using 64bit version of QB64 1.4 on Windows 10
Thank you.

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