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Messages - williammendesg

Pages: [1]
QB64 Discussion / Re: QB64 and FreeBasic
« on: February 23, 2021, 10:01:51 pm »
Hello everyone!
I'm new to the forum, I've been a hobbyist programmer for a few years and I know a little about some programming languages. Lately I was programming in FreeBasic, and I was really enjoying it, it is an excellent programming language, however after meeting QB64 my eyes shone. I was impressed and completely in love with the project. Everything in the QB64 is beautiful! From the IDE's retro look to the project's website, it's wonderful. It is fantastic to program in QB as in the past, to be able to hear the beep sounds and everything and use the IDE with the same visual. Sorry for the sugary words but this is how I feel with QB64. I want to congratulate those involved in the development of language and IDE. I want to thank you for enabling us to write QB programs for modern systems today. And I ask you to stay in the same direction and with the same enthusiasm. The QB64 was a great gift for me. Thank you very much!

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