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Messages - Fifi

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InForm Discussion / Inform 1.3 does not work with Zorin 16.1 Pro
« on: March 13, 2022, 01:49:15 am »
Hi Fellippe,

I just bought the professional release 16.1 of Zorin OS 64 bit and of course  immediately installed both QB64 2.0.2 and InForm 1.3 but unfortunately, like with ElementaryOS ofmy previous post, QB64 runs fine but InForm does not work, with the same behavior than with Elementary, then just expecting for a long time the "HandChecking" to be established, then after almost 2 minutes, saying "Inform is not running. Please run the main program" when the main InFormWindows still is displayed.

My last test was made on a baremetal hardware, but I get the similar problem with VMs using VMware Fusion onmy iMac 27.

Please, can you check if you still support InForm?

Kind regards.

PS: like Elementary, Zorin is an Unbuntu 20.04 LTS derivative.

Hello George.

Thnak you for your message.

@Fifi - I tried to run your script and I am getting "unable to resolve host address ''"

Says that the name or service is unknown.

EDIT: When I substitute the IP address, I get a not secure connection error. 

This script is hosted on a server at home and I don't have an SSL certificate. That's why you can access it via http and not https.
BTW, is supposed to handle the name resolution. So, I'll check again.

@Fifi Question - why are you downloading a version of QB64 from your website?


I've a copy of both the last QB64 and InForm versions on my own server since, months (or years) ago both these two products used to have fixed places for their last_stable releases. naturally and simply named "stable" when the development releases were named "last".

But now, on github their hosting places and names change for each new release and my script can't guess where they are and how they are named.

Further, I use a better compression ratio (.tar.bz2 vs .tar.gz).

Hope this answers your questions.


QB64 Discussion / New stable version?
« on: February 18, 2022, 03:21:54 am »
Hello all the admins,

Just a simple question: since I don't visit the forum every day, would it be possible to be registered on a list of members who would automatically receive an email when a new stable version of QB64 is made available?


Hello everyone,

I updated my multi-language bash install script (rev #35 English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Portuguese) now located on my own server.

It installs (and uninstalls) both QB64 v 2.0.2 (which includes vWatch) and InForm v 1.3 together with a few mouse clicks.

This installation also allows to use the QB64 compiler from any terminal session like any other standard compiler (i.e. gcc, g++, etc) without having to be launched from the directory where QB64 is installed by the following simple command line:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. qb64 -x /source-directory/source-file.bas -o /destination-directory/executable-file

Same for InForm.

As an option, you can have icons placed directly on your desktop without having to go through the programming menu to launch QB64 or InForm and to directly access the QB64 directory.

In addition to the many supported Linux distributions, special thanks to doppler it is supposed to work for Raspbian on Pi as well.

The new location is at: (or

Thank you in advance for your feedback and your suggestions to improve it further.


InForm Discussion / Re: InForm 1.3 does not work with Elementaryos 6.1
« on: February 16, 2022, 11:30:47 pm »

Can you please check where your OS stores system fonts by default?

ElementaryOs is an Ubuntu based distro.

So, the command line "whereis fonts" responds:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. whereis fonts
  2. fonts: /etc/fonts /usr/share/fonts

Then, the contents of these two directories are as follow:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. ls /etc/fonts
  2. conf.avail  conf.d  fonts.conf
  4. ls /usr/sgare/fonts
  5. cmap  cMap  opentype  truetype  type1  woff  X11

Please find attached the screenshot of the command lines and the "fonts.conf" file.

Hope this helps.

BTW, I also successfully installed ElementaryOs 6.1 in a virtual machine on my iMac27 using VMware Fusion without any glitch when enabling the EFI option.

However, VirtualBox is strongly discouraged due to its huge CPU and RAM usage.

Let me know if you want to test VMware Fusion on your Apple systems as I can give you my previous paid license which I no longer use.

Also let me know if you need further investigations on my side.


InForm Discussion / Re: Oops! The Dev Build page link above goes nowhere.
« on: February 16, 2022, 08:05:14 pm »
Hi Fellippe.

The broken kink is on the page when you start a new topic, in the "warning message" : "If you are posting about a possible bug".

Here, the link gives a 404 error.

Hope this helps.


InForm Discussion / InForm 1.3 does not work with Elementaryos 6.1
« on: February 16, 2022, 12:06:21 pm »
Hello Fellippe.

Here is the bug of my previous message.

HardWare: Barremetal Intel i5 RAM 4Gb
System: ElementaryOs 6.1 standard

InForm 1.3 complies fine (both with your installation script and mine) but when you launch it, both the main window and the preview window pop-up but the main window cannot load the fonts and after a short period, you get the error message: InForm designer is not running. Please run the main program.

Please find the 2 attached screenshots.

Hope this helps.


InForm Discussion / Oops! The Dev Build page link above goes nowhere.
« on: February 16, 2022, 11:47:30 am »
Hello Fellippe.

I wanted to get the latest build to confirm a bug but the title of this post describes a first issue itself. :(

Hope this helps.


PS: So, I'll report the bug in a second message.

QB64 Discussion / My last install script for Linux.
« on: February 06, 2022, 10:05:43 pm »
Hello all.

Please find the last release of my install/uninstall script for both QB64 v 2.0.2 (that includes vWATCH) and InForm1.3.

This multi lingual bash script is located here :

Thank you in advance for your feedback.


QB64 Discussion / Re: Characters incongruity
« on: August 18, 2021, 11:14:58 am »
@Fellippe, Cobalt, SMcNeill & others.

Hello all,

I am so sorry if I have hurt any of you because it was never my intention to be "rude" (and it is not in my upbringing).

For those who don't know me, I'm not really a "coder", never was, ever will.

My background of more than 40 years in the microcomputer industry is that of a software publisher and my job was to be the designer of the applications that the group that I had founded published (3 companies in the USA whose head office, 2 subsidiaries in France, 1 in England, 1 in Germany and more than 70 distributors in the world), products which were developed by my team of developers according to the specifications and the architects that I gave.

As an example, the last software I designed was the Remote Services Management suite for DOS, Windows and OS / 2 which has sold over 120 million copies worldwide.

Another example was Turbo Text Professional developed in Turbo Basic at Borland (Scotts Valley) with my late dear friend Bob Zale (sole developper of TB, then Power Basic) and my partner Medhi Ammaoui.

The other part of my job was also to enter into OEM agreements with large partners such as Compuware, IBM, or ICL and to negotiate licenses with large groups such as Amadeus, for example (80,000 copies alone).

It is therefore in view of the enormous potential that I see in QB64 that I have dared to make repeated proposals a few times.

I understood that the very few developers who continue to develop this superb tool are a small group of hobists and do not plan to embark on a larger adventure and I would therefore refrain in the future from any proposal that may offend you even if for me it makes good sense.

So, as for my involvement in your project with regard to my skills, my participation may be limited only to translation and localization, if one day that is technically possible.

I therefore offer you my sincere and most flattering apologies and the administrator of this site can close this thread.


QB64 Discussion / Re: Characters incongruity
« on: August 17, 2021, 10:07:38 am »
That's our goal.

That's never been our goal.

It's a shame given the potential of this tool.

But I understand, maybe having more developers would make you lose your hand on the toy.

Too bad.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Characters incongruity
« on: August 17, 2021, 09:45:22 am »
Sorry to disappoint. We plan to keep having fun.

Sorry Fellippe but I do not see the connection between "having fun" and extending the use of QB64 to the greatest number and especially to the most disadvantaged children of all languages ​​who are the privileged target of the Raspberry foundation.

So, is QB64 a private garden, kind of a closed club for adults only?

Honestly, I didn't see it that way.

I'm disappointed. It seriously lacks empathy.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Characters incongruity
« on: August 16, 2021, 01:23:03 pm »
Those other countries can kiss my White privileged ascii. If it's so important to them, why don't they ban together and make Third-World-BASIC? We could do our part by donating _MAPTRIANGLE, so they could auto-cad their mud hut villages. Oh wait, did someone mention Italy in this thread? Yes! Well, that makes this a whole different story. The Development should jump on this immediatamente!

In all seriousness, I have been bitten in HTML coding by some of those Italian Unicode characters. I use QB64 to sort them out, when parsing those pages. So kidding aside, certainly it would be nice to be as universal as possible, but to what degree of effort? What about Mandarin characters or more diversely put CJK? Do we have that working yet in QB64?

Also, forgive my spoof on the "arrogance" issue. As a hobby language, the few people who contribute to the advancement of QB64 have to pick and choose the most beneficial additions to the platform. For instance, would it be better to make more programming features or try to make the language more universal? Certainly if we had developers from China, Japan, and other countries working on the project, things might be different. Certainly if we had millions of users world wide, the same would apply. Frankly it's amazing to me the project is as universal as it is, but it's like my mamma always used to say, "It's always something!"

Good night my little Roseanne Roseannadanna,


Hi Pete,

Thanks for your fun post.

I have always appreciated your humor and as a Frenchman, I do not feel at all insulted by your message which makes me laugh.

However, let me tell you that I fundamentally disagree with one important point:

If you are rightly saying that there are not enough developers contributing to the development of QB64, one of the main reasons is that even today, this surprising language is nothing but a hobbyist project.

Why ? Precisely because there are too many limitations in its code to make it evolve easily.

Now, if integrating vWATCH64 into the IDE seems like a very good idea to me, for QB64 to become a world-class tool for example to be accepted by the Raspberry foundation, I think the following steps must be taken:

1- separation of the IDE code from that of the compiler so that the latter can finally behave really like any other classic compiler (example gcc). This would allow, among other things, to see developers concentrate on the evolution of the language itself, and other to take care of the IDE. Some time ago, Fellippe told me that this should not pose a big problem. And that would also make it possible to interface with other IDEs easily.

2- extracting all the "messages" from the IDE code and setting up these messages in external files. This would make it very easy to create multiple translations in different languages. In addition, it is so easy to do and does not pose any technical problem. This also makes it possible to offer a dynamic change of language. Cf above for developpers wanting to contribute to the project when only translating the messages.

3- Unicode support and in any case at least no more default setting in code page 437. Indeed, as said above if the extended character table of IBM and Microsoft was "European biased", the reason and that this choice was not binding for English-speaking developers but simultaneously opened their tools to all European developers who alone represent a much larger market than that of the USA.

4- that vWATCH can work with programs placed in subdirectories and also with large programs (see my post: )

There are surely other points to be addressed but these first 4 seem to me really essential for QB64 to acquire a real place on the worldwide market to gain millions of users (and developpers).

And adapting QB64, InForm, and vWATCH64 for use on Raspberry 4 seems like a great way to get there ... except to let Google and Microsoft take their place once again.

BTW, your telling about the number of contributors is the story of the snake that dies its tail.


QB64 Discussion / Re: QB64, InForm and vWATCH64 and the Raspberry Pi?
« on: August 16, 2021, 10:31:36 am »
Vwatch is being integrated into qb64.  The source of Vwatch showed the use of very specific "Window" apps/interfacing calls.  And likely the integration is making the same calls.  Because of these calls, "Correct me if I am wrong" I don't think Vwatch is capable of running on Linux.  Hence the using of PI (debian linux based) is null and void.  The core use of qb64 can be compiled and used in Linux and the PI.  The specialty programs like Vwatch will out of reach.

You can try to ask @FellippeHeitor about it.  If I remember right he does not own any linux based equipment.  He is a windows GURU and gaining or exceeding his legendary status among QB64 users.

PS. What Sam said about enough RAM is true.  The 1GB version was able to compile an older version of qb64.  2GB, 4GB or 8GB version of the PI 4 or compute modules based on the PI 4.  The PI series of SBC's was never meant to play with the big boy tools.   The 10's of millions sold has taught everyone about the use of computers.  Another great learning tool was the "Arduino", no where near as powerful as the PI.  But as a task specific device, does wonders.

Hi doppler,

The three QB64, InForm and vWACH64 software run nicely on multiple derivatives of Linux on regular PCs (that's why I made my multi-lingual installation script).

However, when some times ago I modified my script for you for the Pi, you said QB64 encountered a problem with floating point. Did you solved it?

Last point: You don't need to have a dedicated Linux equipment to develop code for Linux. VMs are enough for that task and the best solution is by far VMware (Fusion for macOS and Workstation for Windows and Linux). Let me know if you want o try it.


QB64 Discussion / QB64, InForm and vWATCH64 and the Raspberry Pi?
« on: August 15, 2021, 06:03:59 pm »
Hello all.

To date, the Raspberry Pi has sold over 50 million units worldwide and is now available with a 64 bit quad core CPU and an OS directly derived from Debian Linux for well under $ 100.00.

Please do me the favor and take a few minutes to read the Foundation's 2020 Annual Report:

Then, please answer these two simple questions:

1) Given the Raspberry Pi's obvious target, which is education, should QB64, InForm and vWATCH64 remain inaccessible to this environment for a long time and give way to Microsoft or Google once again?

2) What should be done to make these three great and amazing development tools available for this platform?

And I do not think that the price of the acquisition for example of a Pi400 which is just ready to use is a real obstacle for any developper.

Looking forward.


PS: a partnership with the fundation is even possible and if needed, due to my background, I may help to create and manage it.

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