« on: August 02, 2019, 07:21:54 pm »
But if it's compiling as 64 bit in the end, and C++ 64 bit compiled code is really fast, why is the compiled QB64 emitted code 10x slower than 32 bit power basic code? Long integers are fast. Just having QB64 increment an integer takes 30 seconds to do what 3 seconds does in 15 year-old 32 bit power basic.
Something has to be wrong here. A compiled 64bit C++ function is not going to take 10x longer to run than power basic's 32bit compiler. No way no how. There has to be some settings in the compiler that have default settings of some form or another that are affecting the performance. I don't code in C++, so I'm not familiar with those compilers, which is why I was looking at QB64 to let me code in basic but get a 64 bit compiled .EXE that should run like it was coded in C++. But this is definitely not even close. There must be something wrong here!!! I don't want to lose faith! Help!