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Messages - JackLRJohnson

Pages: [1]
I don't know how to use this forum.  When I tried to attach a screen shot, Firefox jumped to a new tab, displayed the screen pic, but I have no clue as to how to get my reply back on the screen.  It vanishes.  Each time I come back to the forum, my previous message is gone.  I don't know what to do.

First time using qb64, Win 7, I have a statement:
REM $INCLUDE: 'D:\REGRESS\SCRNCOMM.BI' early in my program (line 33)

the line has a red background,
the error message is:
"Invalid variable name in line 2 of D:\REGRESS\SCRNCOMM.BI included on line 33 (click here or Ctrl+Shift+G to jump there)

if I "click here" it does not open the SCRNCOMM.BI file.  Instead, it changes the last part of the error message to "included on current line"

What am I missing?

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