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Messages - tucker

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QB64 Discussion / Re: New to QB64 - macOS problem
« on: November 27, 2018, 09:56:13 am »
Thanks for the help. That all makes sense now. I have read up on the OpenGL thing and see it is an ongoing issue for various. It has hit a few things I use including OpenFrameworks. It will be interesting to see how Apple address it if indeed they do. With so many games affected I guess they will need to. The StackOverflow link is very similar to my issues and I see the same issue when I built an OpenFrameworks project I had worked on a while back.

I was never that fussed on OpenGL for programming so never paid much attention to it. I did toy with SFML when I looked into OpenFrameworks but still favour SDL2 to both of them as it suits what I work on. That said the OpenGL issue does seem to restrict some apps and choices for Mac users.

I will keep an eye on things and see what happens next. Hopefully it can be fixed. I suppose I could go down the VM route and maybe even package up a VM with a light Linux such as Alpine or TinyCore just for QB64. Could even bottle it up with Crossover I guess - crack a nut with a jack hammer!

I have been reading up and looking into QB64 and I am fascinated with the project in general and how it works. The compilation to C++ is a very clever idea and makes moving to a new platform easy. I am starting to think about Raspberry PI as it seems an ideal BASIC for the PI.

Thanks again for all the comments - loving QB64 and the community so far!

QB64 Discussion / Re: New to QB64 - macOS problem
« on: November 26, 2018, 04:34:38 am »
Thanks for the explanation. At least I know I am not doing something wrong! Being new to QB64 I thought I would ask before staring to have a look at code, compilers and things. My fault for being on the latest patch of macOS!

Is there a development build I can compile to try it?

Another option I could consider is a VM with macOS 10.13 - easy enough to install in VMWare. I am keen to have a look and get started with QB64 having read the documentation and forums!

Thanks again for the help and explanation.

QB64 Discussion / New to QB64 - macOS problem
« on: November 25, 2018, 02:18:28 pm »

I am new to QB64 though not to QB admittedly away for many years. Came across it a while back and it has been on my list so decided to finally give it a go when I retrieved some of my old QB code. Been a user of PureBASIC, BBC BASIC SDL (long time BBC BASIC user) and experimented with FreeBASIC. Mainly use C and Python these days with some use of Processing for rapid testing and prototyping - something I am thinking QB64 could initially do to get me back into QB.

I am trying to run in macOS 10.14.1. Ran build script and built binary. It launches fine but shows a black screen. Menu appears to respond. I played around a little and when I resize the window I can see the blue QB IDE but it flickers and if I stop resizing it goes black again.

I had a quick look on forum and could not find this issue. Before I go digging more deeply has anyone come across this and discovered a fix? Am I doing something stupid?

Sorry if I have missed something obvious or a FAQ - go easy on me, I am a new user and member!

Thanks in advance.

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