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Messages - stoneskipper

Pages: [1]
QB64 Discussion / Re: LCAP / UCAP -- Suggested QB64 Commands. Thoughts?
« on: October 03, 2018, 09:16:19 pm »
... Any arguments, personal or abstract, either for or against, beyond the ambiguous feeling?

QB64 Discussion / LCAP / UCAP -- Suggested QB64 Commands. Thoughts?
« on: October 02, 2018, 09:53:15 pm »
Looking for opinions/feedback on the usefulness of the following code implementation -- a shorthand for longer blocks of implicit code, commonly encountered:


Cap/limit a variable's min/max value. Possibly referencing the current/floating val of another variable, or else fixed with option parameter, eg., "F". Capped variable values are assessed/adjusted only during assignment. Hypothetical examples:

LCAP X (-4.5)               '  IF X < -4.5 then X = -4.5
 X = 2 - 10
  print X
>> -4.5
- - - - - - - - - -

UCAP X (A + 5): LCAP Y (X)      '  IF X > A + 5 then X = [Current Value of A] + 5
 A = 4: X = 10: Y = 4            ' & IF Y < X then Y = [Current Value of X]
  print X; Y
>> 9   9
 A = 3
  print X; Y
>> 9   9
 X = X: Y = -Y               ' X / Y retain value until reassigned/reassessed
 print X; Y
>> 8   8
- - - - - - - - - -

UCAP X (A + 5), F: LCAP Y (X)      '  X-Max locks at 1st assigned value vs. A (unless eg.,  _FREECAP), Y can float
 A = 4: X = 10: Y = 4
  print X; Y
>> 9   9
 A = 3
  print X; Y
>> 9   9
 X = X: Y = -Y
 print X; Y
>> 9   9
- - - - - - - - - -

UCAP X (A + 5): LCAP Y (X), F      '  Y-Min locks at 1st assigned val vs. X, X can float
 A = 4: X = 10: Y = 4
  print X; Y
>> 9   9
 A = 3
  print X; Y
>> 9   9
 X = X: Y = -Y
 print X; Y
>> 8   9

QB64 Discussion / Re: Minor GUI tweak/settings Suggestions
« on: September 29, 2018, 05:52:33 pm »
{relocated from deeper in the thread}

Re "I find it quite useful that ctrl+z/ctrl+y reposition my cursor to the exact same spot where the change was undone/redone..."

Hmm. Well that's what I want too! But my cursor is less well-behaved methinks! To be clear >>

1. Suppose I have 3 pages (screen-fulls) of code.
2. I edit on screen #1, and this edit is good & final and never has to be tweaked again
3. I jump down to screen #3 & do several more edits, experimenting with variations on a line
4. I bail out & wish to go back to the original state of screen #3, likely to resume a different strategy at that place
5. I begin to ^Z my way backwards, often watching the code revert "in situ" -- { ie, it's helpful to flip an edit back & forth to look for a subtle line change you can't recall making exactly (in a flurry of false confidence lol), but which is visible in flipping (maybe a +/- change or 'C3" >> 'C8" etc... }

NOW ...
6. Since the cursor is always being PRE-positioned at (ie jumps to) the place where the NEXT Undo WOULD occur IF enacted, and since the jump is immediate, a problem arises -- namely, when you get to the end of a chain of physically near-to-each-other &/or related edits, you WILL NOT SEE the last Undo AND you will be forced away from the code location where usually you want to stay and work. To see what was actually changed, you will have to manually scroll back up/down to the line of interest.

I am frequently having to do this.... I am going to pause a moment to MAKE SURE I am right about all this ...... hold on  ...... OK YES the Undo cursor is clearly "getting ready" for the next edit and abandoning the current edit line. I repeat: I propose that it would be better during UNDO to place the cursor AT/AFTER/ON the just-completed Undo, and to stay there. The simplest way to say all this is: Undo should always (my opinion) place the cursor on the first or last character of just-reverted text. Preferably, the Undo/Redo zone would also be ~centered in the editor window.

Maybe the issue is a matter of Undo/Redo direction ....... let me test something ...... hmmm. I now see that ^Y acts differently. Ironically, it does what I would like to see ^Z do! In fact, my vote would be to swap the ^Z and ^Y cursor positioning behavior: Pre-position Redo, and Stay at Undo ....

Anyway, I've said my piece on the topic lol thanks for your patience. I actually signed in to upload some more/other minor-moderate suggestions :-)

I note cr0sh's discussion re file/directory ordering ... I have a similar observation, which I will include with my next thread, "Minor UI Tweaks #2..."

QB64 Discussion / Re: Minor UI Tweaks #2
« on: September 26, 2018, 04:39:26 pm »
"CONST does literal substitution of values" -- ah.

That's actually the question I was sniffing around -- Thanks.

QB64 Discussion / Minor GUI tweak/settings Suggestions #2
« on: September 26, 2018, 04:12:28 pm »
Small UI Ideas, Questions. I'm looking especially for feedback on the new Code Implementation in #4.

1) Highlight search/replace terms with eg., Red Background, and/or shift page to locate each search term instance in the vertical middle of the editor window ... (again, coupled with STAY at Undo, JUMP to Redo, center in Editor.)

2) Save-As window does not populate/show all current BAS file names in the work directory. Can these filenames be made visible? Plus, since the backup was saved, why not also save the original filename as the suggested Save-As filename? The user could opt to save under the original filename, or else create an alt version with eg., a "_(copy)" suffix.

3) Allow for assigning View and Window format handle variables, like _Newimage.

Eg.:  &V = VIEW (w.V3, w.V4)-(w.V5, w.V6): &W =  WINDOW (1, dLo)-(da, dHi)


Random Questions //

1) I have never found the editor "Display\Row Height (pixels)" option to have any visible function, across many QB64 versions & multiple PCs ... Is this normal?

2) I can remember using "Print Using" somewhere for screen output, not just file. Is there an easy/equivalent Whole+Decimal monitor format method, which also rounds {_ceil, _round, etc} the last digit?

3) Question: Was there a time when a leading "!" indicated logical NOT? Eg., IF !A THEN END .. I now see prefix "!" under print control options ... Just curious.

{4) CONST question answered - deleted.}

QB64 Discussion / Re: Minor GUI tweak/settings Suggestions
« on: September 26, 2018, 03:46:22 pm »
>  Moved to a more relevant location <

QB64 Discussion / Re: Minor GUI tweak/settings Suggestions
« on: August 16, 2018, 09:13:02 pm »
well said ;-)

QB64 Discussion / Re: Minor GUI tweak/settings Suggestions
« on: August 15, 2018, 08:06:09 pm »
100% Thanks!
 First ahhh I had somehow not discovered ctrl+arrow ... that IS exactly what I was looking for -- so, sorry there. And the mouse is ok, I just don't like more hands-away-from-kbd than necc....
2nd, re LET oh yeah I got it lol I have had the same thoughts since the 80's lol -- that's why I said "hope nobody sees it" it would suggest somebody actually wanted to KNOW what it meant/does ... which is NOTHING haha

3rd Of all my minor points, the one that is most difficult to adapt to for me is the code/page jumping during undo ... any thoughts there? are you just acclimated to that, too?

QB64 Discussion / Minor GUI tweak/settings Suggestions #1
« on: August 15, 2018, 04:16:38 pm »
Hi - long-time user - ready post some suggestions, from the minor to the major.
Starting small ...
1. Instead of highlighting the background block of each parenthesis (which distracts me) I would prefer to color the character itself - a simple toggle "Highlight ( ) or block"

2. And actually this IS important, I feel. STOP jumping the cursor away from UNDO changes. That is, PLEEEAAASE leave the cursor near the last undo·ne edit - eg., at the end of the restored line. I can't tell you how annoying it is to have the page jump away from the thing I want to undo, which happens if the next undo will be elsewhere in the code. I prefer to see exactly what was changed - "in situ - and if the next undo takes the view away, well, "LET GRRR!" haha I often have to scroll around to find what was changed last, then redo and undo a few times more to see the before & after etc & blah blah blah. Just STOP that! or make it an option - eg. "Remain at last Undo or jump to next."

{#3 was fully covered - there is/was no issue with line-scrolling, only my understanding - thx}


Finally - I have to mention ... (some of you may have noticed) ... that for the first time in 15 years, I stumbled into the LET description in the Manual ... and laughed my ass off! Now whenever something goes afoul & stupid I growl, "LET GRRR!!"

4. So my 4th and final suggestion for this post is to note these alternative valid LET examples:
"LET GO!" plus "LET CORD!" Hopefully no one will ever see them!

Major Suggestions in the future, eg. regarding TYPE modification..

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