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Messages - ZapJackson

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QB64 Discussion / Re: Resizing a stretchable window in code?
« on: January 20, 2020, 03:47:52 pm »
Since you’re talking about a simple text game, wouldn’t the easiest solution be to just use a larger font?

Yeah, this is an option I considered, I just like the look of the built-in 40-column font.  I guess somebody has probably made pixel fonts that are just that font but at different multiples...

QB64 Discussion / Resizing a stretchable window in code?
« on: January 12, 2020, 12:20:27 pm »
Hey there!

I'm making another text mode game for another game jam ( and I had another question about window/screen sizing.

I know from this forum's help last time how to make the window stretchable, but I was wondering if there was a way to get it to start running at a larger size than the default, but still maintain the same number of text rows and columns.

  [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]  

Is there a QB64 command that would simulate the user resizing the window?


I am the author.

Why does everybody want this to be in SCREEN 0?  Is it some ideological thing?

I want access to more than the EGA palette.

It's pay-what-you-want -- you can see it for free.  Also here's the BAS source in case that's easier.  [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]  

Here's why I was asking... :)

Thanks for all the help!

Aha!  Excellent, thank you all, this gets me more or less where I'd like to be.

I can get everything to look exactly the way I want it if I _FULLSCREEN, which is totally adequate.  A resizable window would be nice.  I know I can use $RESIZE:STRETCH to let the user resize it, but is there a way to stretch it in code?  Like if I wanted it to be 2x the default size... 

It sounds like I could achieve the same thing with a custom font, which is totally fine if it comes to that, but I thought maybe there was an easier way to just use _FONT 8 at double its native resolution.

QB64 Discussion / Newbie question about custom screen modes for text
« on: March 02, 2019, 12:05:24 pm »
Sorry for the basic question (ha ha) but I'm having a hard time teasing what I'm trying to do out of the documentation.

I'd like to have a custom sized text mode window (call it 60x40 characters,) that uses the double width version of the default 8x8 font, and has 32 bit color available for text foreground and background.

I keep finding ways to do two of these three things, but not all three at once.  What am I missing?

QB64 Discussion / >16 colors in 80-column text mode?
« on: July 14, 2018, 03:16:56 pm »
I apologize if I'm just misreading the documentation, but is there a way to get more than 16 colors in text mode without switching to the 40-column square character shape of screen 13?

QB64 Discussion / Re: Basic question about window size
« on: July 07, 2018, 07:00:43 pm »
Thanks so much, this is great!

QB64 Discussion / Basic question about window size
« on: July 07, 2018, 10:51:32 am »
Hi there!  I just learned about QB64 yesterday because I'm doing this goofy roguelike project:

I have an embarrassingly basic question -- I've been working in QuickBASIC in DOSBox at 2x scaling, and while the screen size of QB64 is really great for coding, I really need the finished product to run in a larger window.

Is there some trick I'm missing to scale the window up when it's in the default 80x24 text screen, or to make it gracefully user-resizable?  I'd love to release this thing when it's done, but it's too small to be comfortable to play on modern monitors.


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