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Topics - Ivan

Pages: [1]
QB64 Discussion / QB64 - decisions
« on: June 17, 2021, 04:41:44 am »
I'm trying to understand QB64 a little better.

How is it decided about QB64 characteristics regarding syntax, keywords, features, future ect.

Who are the developers/programmers besides Fellippe Heitor?

How are donations handled?

QB64 Discussion / option explicit
« on: May 09, 2021, 05:08:04 am »

Although I'm in the middle in a program, I can't resist trying out features in qb64. I'm very pleased to discover, that I don't have to use percent or dollar signs. These signs gives me lot of headache in my current basic, because I overlook them.

And indentions in subs are great. My current basic also lack that.

Option explicit could for my behalf be even more strict. I would welcome forced variable name after next and after end sub. The latter is not allowed.

I have to figure out how I change the error color, when typing something wrong. The colors contrast is hard for me to distinguish between.

String argument to sub..?



Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. dim start_int, end_int, counter, step_val as integer
  2. dim abc as string * 2
  4. start_int = 2
  5. end_int   = 5
  6. counter   = 1
  7. step_val  = 1
  8. abc       = "de"
  10. call test(counter, start_int, end_int, abc)
  12. sub test(num1, num2, num3, text1)
  13.   for num1 = num2 to num3
  14.     'print num1;","; abc
  15.     print num1
  16.   next num1
  17. end sub test

QB64 Discussion / Trying out QB64
« on: May 05, 2021, 03:30:50 am »

I'm currently using another Basic, but have to change to another Basic eg. QB64 for several reasons:

1. My programs is to big and complex, to not have a proper debugger.
2. I notized that QB64 don't have to use capital letters.
3. More strict typing, so I can't use variables out of the blue!
4. I can customize the IDE.
5. I have some dyslextic issues and with more than 3000 lines of code that sometimes makes it very hard to find errors.
6. QB64 is maintained!

So when I have finished my current work I will give QB64 a go.



Pages: [1]