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Topics - Erum

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QB64 Discussion / Scroll Bar
« on: September 16, 2019, 03:28:05 pm »
Respected QB64 team,
I have created a software on QB64 that will analyse temperature and pH of soil and tell which plants can be grown there, along with conditions they need for a national science fair. (I used QB64 as I am a ninth grader and this software is easy to use.) Even though I managed to increase screen size but I need a scroll bar so all my data can fit neatly.
I also want to add colours, for example if I write like this:
English oak:
Water: ABC
Distance:GHI  Temperature:XYZ and so on....
For this, I want the heading to be a different colour and each line to be a different colour. How can I do this?
P.S: I am not very advanced in all this but I am deeply interested to know. If any one can help me, I will be infinitely obliged.

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