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Messages - Diguelo

Pages: [1]
Programs / Re: Creating a program that will self-elevate
« on: April 21, 2019, 07:26:24 am »
Thanks, useful little code

Programs / Re: Treasure from the past (DOS World)
« on: April 21, 2019, 07:23:41 am »
Well as for "Mad Bomber" that one had various dirivatives through DOS from V3 through till Windows 8. Sadly I guess the original program from the dim and distant past is forgotten. I saw this program back in the late 78. Back then I had just got my hands on the schools IBM / early PC. The new ram chips took us into a new world and the recently aquired Cassette backup system made life happier for all.
The game was a project being done in the schools info net, at that time it was a pile of papers being sent out by a central office in the county. Not many schools had a computer and those that did, very few were able to get near them.
Having sat and typed in the code, it had to be altered I recall because of our computer setup and the lack of a full on compatable DOS. Most of the code just displayed a 10 x 10 grid, no special graphics just an inverted character for the cursor and a series of asterisks for the places.

Space for mark /maybe
enter to reveal.

I know this came from a school / college in Derby because of the letters header and was a prize winner in a competition held there. I saw the same program released the following year in the TRS 80 news. so thats as far back as I can remember it being around. Nowadays just about everyone knows it as "MineSweeper". Some of the older programs if they hadnt been handed out free where would we be today. 

After all man landed on the moon in 1969 using a computer with less memory than is in the average calculator today. >>>> wanders off mumbling about slide rules and algebra..........

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