Author Topic: My First InForm Program - Trackword  (Read 41594 times)

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Offline bplus

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Re: My First InForm Program - Trackword
« Reply #45 on: August 11, 2018, 11:06:34 pm »
Here is a much more interesting screen full. 9 letter words that have 200 or more words snaked around the 3x3 grid.

200 words or more.PNG

Now I am wondering how many are anagrams of each other.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2018, 12:10:16 am by odin »

Offline bplus

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Re: My First InForm Program - Trackword
« Reply #46 on: August 12, 2018, 01:19:44 am »
I was surprised, not many of the Trackword 200+ were anagrams of each other:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _TITLE "Trackword 200 Anagram Analysis"
  2. CONST ww = 800
  3. CONST wh = 600
  5. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(ww, wh, 32)
  6. _SCREENMOVE (1280 - ww) / 2 + 30, (760 - wh) / 2
  8. 'PRINT AnagramTF%("artss", "stars")      'yeah!
  9. DIM w$(70), a$(70)
  10. wTop = 0
  11. OPEN "Trackword 200.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1
  12.     wTop = wTop + 1
  13.     INPUT #1, w$(wTop)
  14. FOR i = 1 TO wTop
  15.     IF w$(i) <> "" THEN
  16.         ai = ai + 1
  17.         a$(ai) = w$(i)
  18.         FOR j = i + 1 TO wTop
  19.             IF w$(j) <> "" THEN
  20.                 IF AnagramTF(w$(i), w$(j)) THEN
  21.                     a$(ai) = a$(ai) + " " + w$(j) 'move to i word group
  22.                     w$(j) = "" ' this word is used
  23.                 END IF
  24.             END IF
  25.         NEXT
  26.     END IF
  27. 'show results
  28. FOR i = 1 TO ai
  29.     IF i > 33 THEN
  30.         l = i - 33: m = 40
  31.     ELSE
  32.         l = i: m = 1
  33.     END IF
  34.     LOCATE l, m: PRINT i; " "; a$(i)
  36. FUNCTION AnagramTF% (w1$, w2$)
  37.     'this only works for words 9 repeated letters or less
  38.     IF LEN(w1$) <> LEN(w2$) THEN EXIT FUNCTION 'false
  39.     'still here
  40.     aw1$ = STRING$(26, "0")
  41.     aw2$ = aw1$
  42.     FOR i = 1 TO LEN(w1$)
  43.         c$ = UCASE$(MID$(w1$, i, 1))
  44.         ac = ASC(c$) - 64
  45.         vc = VAL(MID$(aw1$, ac, 1))
  46.         MID$(aw1$, ac, 1) = LTRIM$(STR$(vc + 1))
  47.         c$ = UCASE$(MID$(w2$, i, 1))
  48.         ac = ASC(c$) - 64
  49.         vc = VAL(MID$(aw2$, ac, 1))
  50.         MID$(aw2$, ac, 1) = LTRIM$(STR$(vc + 1))
  51.     NEXT
  52.     IF aw1$ = aw2$ THEN AnagramTF% = -1

EDIT: fix with Ltrim$ the str$ of values

Dang! missing last word.
EDIT 2: fixed
Anagrams fix 2.PNG
* Anagrams fix 2.PNG (Filesize: 41.2 KB, Dimensions: 780x720, Views: 727)
« Last Edit: August 12, 2018, 01:49:03 am by bplus »

Offline Qwerkey

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Re: My First InForm Program - Trackword
« Reply #47 on: August 12, 2018, 04:34:19 am »
bplus, you certainly seem to have found much interest in this little problem.  Thanks for your stimulating inputs.


Offline Qwerkey

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Re: My First InForm Program - Trackword
« Reply #48 on: August 12, 2018, 06:01:59 am »
Another interesting thing to investigate is whether an arrangement of letters gives more than one nine-letter solution.

If you use the following grid, you gey both CARTHORSE and ORCHESTRA (well-known anagrams of each other):

I think that I remmber Clive Doig (he who invented Trackword) setting a puzzle where there were three nine-letter anagrams.  Can there be more than one such solution?  I don't suppose that there can be more than three?


Offline Qwerkey

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Re: My First InForm Program - Trackword
« Reply #49 on: August 12, 2018, 06:54:50 am »
bplus, the following arrangements (and others) all give the same results:


Working out symmetry considerations is beyond me.  Can we reduce HalfABC further by symmetry considerations?  Can we reduce search time even more?


Offline bplus

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Re: My First InForm Program - Trackword
« Reply #50 on: August 12, 2018, 09:27:09 am »
Hi Richard,

With the 3x3 grid, there were 3 types of square, the corner, the side, and the middle. The middle was unique but the corner and side had 3 equivalent rotations that likely could be "translated" number for number for the snake patterns and in same manner for the letter patterns. The snakes could be worked out with results from one corner, side and middle but snakes are one time shot. Doing the same with letter patterns would likely take longer to calculate and translate than just translating a snake pattern to a letter pattern, So is it worth it to reduce snake patterns but require and do the same amount of translations?

The reverse trick was quite clever, easiest to understand and use.

Have you any thought about 4x4 grids? Probably learn even fancier words. :D   If one bothers to check them out eg, wadsetter :)  Which reminds me, do I have an actual dictionary with word AND definition? Such would be a natural addition if you'd like to try Menus with InForm. Heck, it might even be educational, learn while playing... :)

PS a message box would be handy for a quick definition.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2018, 09:31:54 am by bplus »

Offline Qwerkey

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Re: My First InForm Program - Trackword
« Reply #51 on: August 13, 2018, 12:51:56 pm »
Good heavens, bplus!  I am startled to find that our little topic here has made it into the Top Ten posts by replies.  We have only 21 more suggestions each and then we get to No. 1!


Offline bplus

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Re: My First InForm Program - Trackword
« Reply #52 on: August 13, 2018, 01:39:12 pm »
Oh rats!

You have me looking for, and then at, forum stats. Interesting...

Well as Fellippe has mentioned numbers don't exactly mean quality but as I said, quantity is one quality of many...

How does Odin have so many posts? I looked at a quality Odin's posts, only 2 pages not exactly 500+ ???

Append: OK so it doesn't look like a blatant inflation of replies, something more on topic and that I am curious about.

What do you all think of adding an additional capability to define words? To me, it is a most logical, practical, educational and maybe even fun extension of this application of InForm.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 01:48:58 pm by bplus »


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Re: My First InForm Program - Trackword
« Reply #53 on: August 13, 2018, 01:41:44 pm »
Odin wanted to show from the start that post racing would be frowned upon
« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 01:48:05 pm by FellippeHeitor »

Offline bplus

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Re: My First InForm Program - Trackword
« Reply #54 on: August 13, 2018, 02:12:41 pm »
Odin wanted to show from the start that post racing would be frowned upon

Offline Qwerkey

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Re: My First InForm Program - Trackword
« Reply #55 on: August 14, 2018, 01:19:07 pm »
User Manual replaced in first section (updated with finished program instructions).  Previous version plus temporary updated version here downloaded 125/39 times (this reply modified 16/02/2019).
« Last Edit: February 16, 2019, 11:09:22 am by Qwerkey »

Offline codeguy

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Re: My First InForm Program - Trackword
« Reply #56 on: September 04, 2018, 04:55:18 pm »
one more attack that may speed up your progress is to generate permutations of your letters in alphabetic order and then do a modified merge search. Since the permutations are in the same lexicographical order as Steve's word list, there is no need to do binary search with a sorted array. Here is the code for generating permutations in ascending order.
Code: [Select]
WIDTH 80, 43
DIM parray(0 TO 8) AS LONG
FOR i = 0 TO UBOUND(parray)
    parray(i) = i
PRINT "permutations"
Permute parray(), 0, UBOUND(parray), np
    x$ = INKEY$
LOOP UNTIL x$ > ""

SUB DisplayResults (PArray() AS LONG, start, finish, np AS DOUBLE)
PRINT USING "#,###,###,###,###"; np;
FOR i = LBOUND(parray) TO UBOUND(parray)
    PRINT PArray(i);

SUB Rotate (parray() AS LONG, Start AS LONG, finish AS LONG)
ts = parray(Start)
FOR i = Start TO finish - 1
    SWAP parray(i), parray(i + 1)
parray(finish) = ts

SUB Permute (parray() AS LONG, start AS LONG, finish AS LONG, np AS DOUBLE)
np = np + 1
DisplayResults parray(), LBOUND(parray), UBOUND(parray), np
IF start < finish THEN
    FOR i = finish - 1 TO start STEP -1
        FOR j = i + 1 TO finish
            SWAP parray(i), parray(j)
            Permute parray(), i + 1, finish, np
        Rotate parray(), i, finish

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. '* essentially finds the intersection of 2 arrays
  2. '* both arrays must be sorted exactly the same order.
  3. SUB ModifiedMergeSearch (StevesWordList$(), MyWordList$())
  4. a& = 0
  5. b& = 0
  6.     IF a& > UBOUND(StevesWordList$) THEN
  7.         EXIT DO
  8.     ELSE
  9.         IF b& > UBOUND(MyWordList$) THEN
  10.             EXIT DO
  11.         ELSE
  12.             IF StevesWordList$(a&) > MyWordList$(b&) THEN
  13.                 b& = b& + 1
  14.             ELSEIF StevesWordList$(a&) < MyWordList$(b&) THEN
  15.                 a& = a& + 1
  16.             ELSE
  17.                 '* it's a word in both lists
  18.                 '* advance both pointers
  19.                 a& = a& + 1
  20.                 b& = b& + 1
  21.             END IF
  22.         END IF
  23.     END IF

Offline Qwerkey

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Re: My First InForm Program - Trackword
« Reply #57 on: September 05, 2018, 06:44:14 am »
Hmm.  Thanks codeguy.  I'm knee-deep in another program at the moment, but then I'll try to give this some consideration.
