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Active Forums => QB64 Discussion => Topic started by: eric on December 03, 2019, 06:20:30 pm

Title: _SHR bug with sign bit of _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64
Post by: eric on December 03, 2019, 06:20:30 pm

I use qb64 to test some algorithms on integers when i got a strange garbage.

So, i try :

Code: QB64: [Select]
  2. n = &H0100000000000000
  4. PRINT , HEX$(n)
  5. n = _SHL(n, 7)     'shift 1 to sign bit left most
  6. PRINT , HEX$(n)
  7. n = _SHR(n, 7)     'revert to first position
  8. PRINT , HEX$(n)
  10. m~&& = &H0100000000000000
  11. PRINT , HEX$(m~&&)
  12. m~&& = _SHL(m~&&, 7)
  13. PRINT , HEX$(m~&&)
  14. m~&& = _SHR(m~&&, 7)
  15. PRINT , HEX$(m~&&)

both display result as :


I think _SHR is not shifting but expanding the "sign" bit to the right.

The last print is the negative of the first.

Is it a solution ?


Title: Re: _SHR bug with sign bit of _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64
Post by: RhoSigma on December 03, 2019, 07:30:03 pm
Absolute correct behavior here, imagine you would give any negative number as input for _SHR. As _SHR is basically a division, the sign of the divident must be preserved eg. -2/2 (_SHR(-2,1)) is -1, hence the sign bit must stay in place and extended to the right.

The fact that you first move a bit from a regular data position into the sign position doesn't matter here, the result is a negative number which you then pass on to _SHR.

For prove of this just use the windows calculator, switch to programmers mode and do the operations there, you'll see its the same.
Title: Re: _SHR bug with sign bit of _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64
Post by: Richard Frost on December 04, 2019, 02:39:58 am
I'm confused. 

What is the point of an _UNSIGNED variable if operations recognize the leftmost bit as a sign?

Title: Re: _SHR bug with sign bit of _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64
Post by: SMcNeill on December 04, 2019, 03:07:33 am
I'm confused. 

What is the point of an _UNSIGNED variable if operations recognize the leftmost bit as a sign?

All functions have limits on their return values, according to their return type. In this case, it’s a SIGNED _INTEGER64.

Now, why was a signed type chosen over an unsigned one, you ask?

Let’s look at a few values:

11111111 — as a signed byte, this represents the value for -1.
01111111 — Now, if we just shift it right once, it suddenly becomes +128??  <— This is basically what happens if we just shift everything, with no regard to the sign bit being special.

Most people think of a bit shift as basically being a math operation of times two, or divide by two — not a case of times 128, negated...

So, to preserve that “shift by a power of two” mechanic, we hold that first bit in reserve for negative values.

11111111 <— Again, this represents -1, in a signed byte.
10111111 <— Now, we shifted our bit once, and we have -2... 

You might pass the function an _UNSIGNED variable, but it’s processing and working with the signed version.  Think of it as:


Now, we can pass foo an integer, a single, a float, or an unsigned INTEGER64, but what’s it actually going to process it as, for us, internally?   

(foo2 AS _INTEGER64) <— this says it’s accepting and working with a signed INTEGER64, no matter what we send it...
Title: Re: _SHR bug with sign bit of _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64
Post by: jack on December 04, 2019, 05:04:58 am
I agree with Richard Frost, the output should be
here's C code that outputs the above
Code: C: [Select]
  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. int main(void)
  3. {
  4.         unsigned long long int n;
  5.         n=0x0100000000000000;
  6.         printf("%llx\n",n);
  7.         n=n<<7;
  8.         printf("%llx\n",n);
  9.         n=n>>7;
  10.         printf("%llx\n",n);
  11.         return 0;
  12. }
Title: Re: _SHR bug with sign bit of _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64
Post by: eric on December 04, 2019, 11:22:11 am
Thanks for yours replies.

I got trouble because of the name _SHR that is like the assembly mnemonic :
that means unsigned shift right without matter of a sign bit.

The qb64 _SHL function works as instruction :

that  shifts right too but preserving the sign bit

Left shifts, sal and shl, exist but are the same.

Short example in assembly (debug screen copy in attachment):

mov ax, 8000h
mov dx, ax
mov cl, 3
shr ax, cl
sar dx, cl        ;  _SHR(&h8000, 3)

input ax  : 1000000000000000     &h8000
output ax: 0001000000000000     &h1000
output dx: 1111000000000000     &hF000       _SHR(&h8000, 3)

Title: Re: _SHR bug with sign bit of _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64
Post by: SMcNeill on December 04, 2019, 12:01:48 pm
If you guys are curious what/how QB64 is handling this command, here's what we're processing under the hood:

Code: C++: [Select]
  1. //bit-shifting
  2. inline int64 func__shl(int64 a1,int b1)
  3. {return a1<<b1;}
  5. inline int64 func__shr(int64 a1,int b1)
  6. {return a1>>b1;}

Functions don't get much simpler than that, and it's not a whole lot of room to introduce bugs into things.  ;)
Title: Re: _SHR bug with sign bit of _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64
Post by: jack on December 04, 2019, 12:05:26 pm
the function you posted is for signed integers, it's not what eric needs
Title: Re: _SHR bug with sign bit of _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64
Post by: SMcNeill on December 04, 2019, 12:22:38 pm
the function you posted is for signed integers, it's not what eric needs

It's the only one we have.  SHR and SHL only support signed integers, at the moment.  If someone wants to write us a nice set of code which toggles between sign/unsigned, I'll be happy to push your changes into the repo for us. ;)
Title: Re: _SHR bug with sign bit of _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64
Post by: Richard Frost on December 04, 2019, 04:04:29 pm
I propose that the functions _SHL and _SHR also take Bitcoin, with
_SHL doubling the money, and _SHR generating a GPF, or causing Cuba
to sink, whichever is easier.

O-tay, so it's a minor limitation, not a bug.

Title: Re: _SHR bug with sign bit of _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64
Post by: eric on December 05, 2019, 03:34:28 am
Finally i find a workaround based on http://qb64.org/wiki/C_Libraries#Bit_Shifting (http://qb64.org/wiki/C_Libraries#Bit_Shifting) :

Modified C include file in qb64 dir :
Code: C: [Select]
  1.  //ushift.h
  3. uint64 uShiftR(uint64 Value, unsigned ShiftValue)
  4. {
  5. return(Value >> ShiftValue);
  7. }
  8. uint64 uShiftL(uint64 Value, unsigned ShiftValue)
  9. {
  10. return(Value << ShiftValue);
  11. }
Basic declare and a piece of code that works :
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. 'ushift.bas
  2. DECLARE LIBRARY "ushift" 'use first name of .h file
  6. n = &H1000000000000000
  8. PRINT , HEX$(n)
  9. n = uShiftL(n, 3)
  10. PRINT , HEX$(n)
  11. n = uShiftR(n, 3)
  12. PRINT , HEX$(n)

I had just to modify the types of variables and return value.
Title: Re: _SHR bug with sign bit of _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64
Post by: Cobalt on December 05, 2019, 10:47:11 am
I propose that the functions _SHL and _SHR also take Bitcoin, with
_SHL doubling the money, and _SHR generating a GPF, or causing Cuba
to sink, whichever is easier.

O-tay, so it's a minor limitation, not a bug.

no no, _SHR just causes Global Warming! STOP using it!