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ASCII Draw(BAM program in progress, QB64 version to follow)

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Very early stages, throwing out there for those interested.

BASIC Anywhere Machine version:

* view source code
* run program
User guide:

* Brush style: any character on your keyboard (press a key to set the brush to that character at any time)
* Brush color (foreground and background): pick a color by clicking on it; "f" is foreground, "b" is background, toggle between "f" and "b" by clicking on it
so mouse clicking on "canvas" to draw, mouse clicking on "f" and "b" to toggle whether a color choice applies to foreground or background, and mouse clicking on color to select it.

key press will set the brush to the matching character.

More later !

Wow stuff like that is old old school. :) I remember my first online friend made something like that, but the grid was smaller and it wasn't ASCII, instead it was a Sprite Editor, to be used with other games and programs. Nowadays a sprite editor would have to be a bit larger though, because of the larger monitors and better graphics.

Just uploaded a new version of that program.  (links in original post don't change.)

Made the color choices two characters wide instead of one.

changed the "f" and "b" label toggles to "foreground" and "background".

got rid of the brush instructions, which I will add to the intro screen instead.

added intro screen (instructions pending) to ask for character width and height of the canvas.

fixed a problem that caused drawing past either left or right edges of canvas to "wrap" the drawing, even though the mouse is way past the edge of the canvas.

Good times.

On my immediate todo: turn on/off the grid, which will require storing the current drawing to re-render the drawing after toggling the grid.

Then get QB64 version working  (I think mouse-input is the only incompatibility.)

At some point: saving the drawing to something (file? browser localstorage? clipboard?) and loading a previously saved drawing.

Lines? Shapes?  Eraser?  Fill ?  Maybe.

ASCII characters that we don't see on our keyboards (well, unless you have a Vic-20/C64 kind of keyboard ...)

Ken was working on pretty good paint program some time ago, including a picture save.

Yeah, here's Paint Pixels 7, before I got into using window menus. I can't seem to find 8 or 9 on this forum, but I'll put 9 up after this post if you are interested.


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