Active Forums > QB64 Discussion

Security advice RE: [abandoned, outdated and now likely malicious qb64 dot net website - don’t go there] (not

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--- Quote from: Galleon on November 22, 2019, 08:14:56 pm ---This is a security warning that I do not own nor have I owned [abandoned, outdated and now likely malicious qb64 dot net website - don’t go there] for over a year.
Whatever content is hosted there is a copy of whatever someone could scrape off the old site.
If you have attempted to login to the forum at [abandoned, outdated and now likely malicious qb64 dot net website - don’t go there] since I discontinued ownership there is a possibility that your passwords have been stolen.
I have no evidence that this has occurred or that the new owner of [abandoned, outdated and now likely malicious qb64 dot net website - don’t go there] is malicious. I am merely advising that this is a possibility.
If you are a person who uses the same password everywhere (you should look to changing that btw) and you have entered your credentials into the scraped site I highly recommend you change your passwords on other sites to something else.
Please do not expect me to reply to this message.

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Thanks for letting us know, we all just assumed that it was the long awaited backup and that was all that could be salvaged. I can't think of any other reason for putting the site back up like that, if it wasn't you that put it there, than phishing. So i definately am changing my passwords.

The Galleon? possibly Odin's Odin?

Should there not be a request by the new owner to use the old members data/personal info or even the coding generated (after all the site was only quasi public- meaning limited to lovers of Qbasic and it's iterations), should the new owner of the site not be obligated to provide info on any change to privacy policies? I'm not sure if some of these issues aren't already standard unwritten expectations by members of these various programming sites.

Galleon enrolled as a .org member.  We are honoured.  Recognising his contribution in kicking off this community, I feel that we should award him the badge of office of Emeritus Leader.  The label "Emeritus" clearly signifies retired.


--- Quote from: Dimster on November 24, 2019, 10:47:15 am ---Should there not be a request by the new owner to use the old members data/personal info or even the coding generated (after all the site was only quasi public- meaning limited to lovers of Qbasic and it's iterations), should the new owner of the site not be obligated to provide info on any change to privacy policies? I'm not sure if some of these issues aren't already standard unwritten expectations by members of these various programming sites.

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I mean, if they're using the site for malicious purposes then I don't think they would be too avid about announcing privacy policies and contacting the old owner...


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